What is NMNEC? (nem-nek) New Mexico Nursing Education Consortium 2019 Your school logo here Your school logo here Becky Dakin, MA – NMNEC Program Manager The Consortium: NMNEC is a collaborative of state-funded/tribal nursing programs throughout New Mexico with a common pre-licensure nursing curriculum that supports multiple pathways into nursing. The Common Nursing Curriculum: NMNEC built a common statewide nursing curriculum for pre-licensure Associate’s (ADN) and Bachelor’s (BSN) nursing degrees. They also built an LPN pathway to provide credit-for-prior-learning and enter the ADN program in term two. An RN-to-BSN pathway was also developed so there is no duplication of coursework for the NMNEC ADN-prepared RN. This coordinated system of nursing education produces: Concept-based, critically-thinking nurses Ease of transferability for students A resource-efficient system for faculty NMNEC Nursing Programs Locations ADN at Community College BSN at University Dual Degree ADN/BSN at Community College University of New Mexico Albuquerque X Rio Rancho Central New Mexico Community College San Juan College Farmington Santa Fe Community College Santa Fe New Mexico Junior College Hobbs University of New Mexico-Taos Taos University of New Mexico-Valencia Los Lunas University of New Mexico-Gallup Gallup New Mexico State University Las Cruces Alamogordo Grants Western New Mexico State University Silver City Luna Community College Las Vegas Fall-2020 Clovis Community College Clovis NMNEC Nursing Schools BSN Partnerships: Turquoise = UNM Maroon = NMSU Purple = WNMU The University/Community College Partnerships: Universities built partnerships with community colleges and branch campuses to provide the BSN (bachelor of science in nursing) on these additional campuses throughout the state. BSN students based at a community college or branch campus are co-enrolled with a partnering university. Upon graduation, dual-degree students receive their ADN degree from their community college and their BSN from the partnering university. Approximately 50% tuition savings for Co-Enrolled, Community College based students ADN and BSN students sit side-by-side benefiting from a baccalaureate-level program of study ADN students take one year of pre-requisites + four terms of nursing courses BSN students take two years of pre-requisites + five terms of nursing courses The Nursing Degrees: Sixteen locations teach the common, concept-based pre-licensure nursing curriculum. Fourteen locations offer the BSN (four university + ten community college campuses) Nine locations offer the ADN at a community college NMNEC Curriculum Degree Options: BSN at a university ADN at a community college Co-enrolled ADN/BSN at a community college NMNEC www.nmnec.org www.nmnec.org NM | NURSING EDUCATION CONSORTIUM
What is NMNEC? (nem-nek) New Mexico Nursing Education Consortium 2019 Your school logo here Your school logo here Becky Dakin, MA – NMNEC Program Manager Continue to tell the NMNEC Story: What is NMNEC? What have they accomplished? Who’s participating? Why is this important? How does this help our state? Directions for Use: WHO: NMNEC schools listed in this poster may print and display this poster. Others wishing to use this poster must email a request to nmnec@salud.unm.edu TEXT: The text is accurate for 2019 and may need to be updated in coming years. SIZE: The poster PowerPoint slide is designed as 48” wide and 36” high PRINTING: Add your school logo to the boxes indicated on both sides of the title and re-save slide #1 Printing Option: 1. Makesigns.com 2. Print my poster 3. Choose paper/fabric 4. Upload the poster file and proceed AUDIENCE: Display this poster for students, faculty, administration, community Questions? Contact Becky Dakin, NMNEC Program Manager, 505-272-1964, bdakin@salud.unm.edu NMNEC www.nmnec.org www.nmnec.org NM | NURSING EDUCATION CONSORTIUM