Call for Applicants! Systems & Program Management Master’s Degree Apply ONLINE and ensure that all official transcripts are received by: 8 July 2019 For more details, please visit our website. Call for Applicants! Systems & Program Management Master’s Degree Commencing Tuesday 1 October 2019 Program Delivered via Distance Learning Sponsor Code: Open Enrollment (722-201O) The Naval Postgraduate School’s (NPS) Department of Systems Engineering is pleased to announce the offering of a two year Systems & Program Management Master’s degree program by distance learning beginning Tuesday 1 October 2019. The program is open to qualified uniformed officers, federal employees and defense contractors. Delivery The Systems & Program Management Master’s degree is a part-time distance learning program. Courses are delivered synchronously using Blackboard Collaborate, a web- conferencing tool. Classes will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 0800-1100 Pacific Time. To use Blackboard Collaborate, students need Internet access and a PC microphone. A PC camera is optional. No special software is required for Blackboard Collaborate, which is compatible with the Navy/Marine Corps Intranet. Degree Students who successfully complete the program will earn a Master of Science in Systems Engineering Management (MSSEM). Students also earn a Systems Engineering Certificate and DAU equivalency for DAWIA training for PM and ENG level III, T&E and PQM level II, LOG and IRM level I and CON series. Eligibility Undergraduate degree (BA, BS, other) with 2.2 GPA and DAWIA level II certified in any career field. Tuition The tuition price is $2,500 per course. Tuition prices may change from fiscal year to fiscal year, but will not change within a fiscal year. NPS is mission funded for qualified active duty Navy and Marine Corps officers (tuition free). Students or command representatives are expected to purchase their own books. If NPS is required to provide textbooks, add $200 fixed price per course per student. To apply Applicants should visit the SPM website and under the Quick Links, select Apply Now. The SE Non-Resident program is Curriculum 722. Candidates are applying for Academic Year 2020, Quarter 1 and should type the sponsor code of 722-201O in the Comments section of the application. A Participation Agreement signed by a Command/Company Authorizing official is also required. The application deadline is 8 July 2019. Course Lineup* Qtr Year/Qtr Course Titles 1 AY20/fall Fundamentals of Systems Engineering Financial Management for ACQ Managers 2 AY20/winter Fundamentals of Engineering Project Management ACQ of Embedded Wpn Systems Software 3 AY20/spring System Suitability Principles of Acquisition and Contract Mgmt 4 AY20/summer Test and Evaluation Strategic Planning & Policy for LOG Managers 5 AY21/fall Engineering Economics & Cost Estimation Principles of Production & Quality Mgmt 6 AY21/winter Foundations of Cyberspace Operations Program Management Policy & Control 7 AY21/spring Organizational Analysis Engineering Systems Conceptualization 8 AY21/summer Effective Interpersonal & Team Communications Engineering Systems Design *Class days are subject to change Management course SE core certificate course SE core course Elective course Capstone project For more information, visit the SPM website or contact the 722 Program Manager, Dr. Wally Owen, the 722 Academic Associate, Dr. Paul Beery at, or the Center for Educational Design, Development & Distribution Student Coordinator