Outcome based service delivery overview
AASCF overview - Sandra Maygard picture I have now been in the AASCF- Outcome Based Service Delivery Lead position for ten months and am still very excited about the positive changes happening within the sector.
“ the central issue to creating change is never just strategy, structure, culture or systems. The core of the matter is always about challenging behavior of people… how they see and think about what is new or proposed” John Kotter
My role To assist agency personnel (staff /board) to Understand: The intent and meaning of OBSD; The potential consequences of the implementation of OBSD; and To help agencies prepare, in concrete ways, for the changes that are inherent with operating from an OBSD perspective
Current activities Visiting agencies Attending chapter meetings Arranging for Dr. Lonne visit/symposium/ workshops Arranging FAF training Working on a larger strategy for OBSD Assisting the Ministry with the lessons learned forums Readiness Assessment Tool Newsletters
Plans for next 6 months Continue to meet with agencies Bring in relevant trainers Continue to work with the Ministry on the evolution of OBSD Continue to produce the newsletters I am available to meet and talk to anyone interested. Please email: Smaygard@aascf.com or call me 780.451. 0898
Ministry message Outcomes Based Service Delivery continues to be a Ministry priority. The Phase-in sites (including both the CFSA and the agencies) continue to work together to help define what OBSD will ‘look like’ into the future. We are committed to continued partnership with the agency sector on an approach that works for them as organizations, us as a department, but most importantly for the children and families we serve together.
Data and Outcomes There have been over 1500 referrals to OBSD sites to date. Some of the early data does suggest a positive shift in practice: More children are placed with their immediate or extended family. Fewer children are coming into care. More children are returning home. Files are closing faster *note – more analysis necessary
Placement Mix OBSD Qrt 1 2011-2012
Placement Mix Non-OBSD Qrt 1 2011-2012
Deliverables/Milestones – 6 mos. Full analysis of Phase-in site funding and recommendation for a more consistent approach to funding for full implementation An integrated reporting process for regions, ministry and agencies Results of the first phase of the implementation evaluation and dissemination plan for same
Deliverables/Milestones – 6 mos. The development of a practice framework to support a common approach for working with children and families The development of finalized contract policy recommendations, contracts schedules and clauses for that are OBSD appropriate Broader stakeholder engagement (through RFI, learning events, AASCF) A Plan developed for broader provincial implementation
Full implementation Need to strike a balance between the need for solid and intentional development of an approach and the need to maintain momentum, learning and continuing to evolve over time, but given the evidence to date: It is reasonable to expect that an approach can be articulated and plan for full provincial implementation developed approved by March 31, 2011.