“Pirkey and Dafna” came with Stephanie but they stayed in Israel…! Part A Stephanie Leen, the teacher from ECP Austin TX, visits the Western Galilee Partnership - June 2014 “Pirkey and Dafna” came with Stephanie but they stayed in Israel…!
First night: Meeting with Idit and Efrat
Visiting “Yasmin” kindergarten in Akko The teacher: Margalit Fogel (Hila Peretz from Zamir preschool takes Stephanie in her car to the classes in Akko) The children of “Yasmin” class can play by a rhythmic score . That is why they decided to print the children thumbs as part of musical notations
Getting to know “Pirkey” and Dafna The children introduced Stephanie to variety of Israeli folk dancing
Visiting “Parpar Nechmad” kindergarten- Akko The teacher: Sofi Biarsky The children integrated their thumbs prints in musical notes and demonstrated “music that counts” activity
Watching a science study about water
Getting a documentation of all of the water’s science activity ,as a present from the children and the staff
Visiting The Treasure in the wall museum in Akko and getting a tour guide by Ethan Horovitz
A visit to “Argaman” kindergarten: a multi culture class with Hebrew, Arabic and Russian speakers The teacher: Natali Gorivodsky
The children prepared a Mandala of luck from recycled materials for Stephanie As the children can read musical notation they printed their thumb as part of the notes
Visiting Napoleon hill in Akko and learning about the history of Akko
Helping in making the Mosaic wall at the Early Childhood Musical Center in Akko
Dinner at Ethan ‘s home