Management Information Systems Professor Pat Paulson MIS 362 sUMMER 2019 Management Information Systems Professor Pat Paulson
Class Overview Office: Somsen 303 Physical classroom: optional-Somsen 301, which has dual monitors Virtual classroom: Course Website: Exams, grading in D2L: Office hours: irregular, best to use email Virtual office: Will formalize office hours in the near future. PgP MIS 362
Course Digital Technology is rapidly changing the concept and execution of work Evolving Digital Systems are best understood by considering the biological concept of layered complexity This course will assist students to learn where these changes are leading businesses PgP MIS 362
Materials-Books Required Managing Digital:Concepts and Practices No charge On network drive ReadOnly folder or in D2L under Materials ProGit The Phoenix Project Paperback or Kindle version (about $8) Managing Digital makes more sense if you read this book early in the semester. PgP MIS 362
Materials-optional Flipster-via WSU library WSJ, NYT-via WSU library Read Trade Magazines to keep current Use the Internet for research Wikipedia WSU Library PgP MIS 362
My Background Mechanical Engineer Patent Attorney Manufacturing Manager Attorney Business Systems Consultant Professor Business Systems Developer PgP MIS 362
Class Materials eProfessor Website-Syllabus, Assignments, Projects, Class Recordings D2L-Grading, Discussions, Final eBook- Reading Material Adobe Connect-web conferencing, class recordings Will formalize office hours in the near future. PgP MIS 362
Course Description-Catalog An introduction to the basic concepts of Management Information System design, implementation and control. Application of computer-based MIS and decision models to business and management situations and problems. PgP MIS 362
Course Description Investigate MIS fundamentals View a startup from founder’s perspective Continue through team, team of teams to enterprise Apply concepts to business data processing, office automation, information reporting, and decision making Hands-on application of software and course concepts PgP MIS 362
Objectives Terminology-understand and explain the terms Skill-develop application proficiency Systems-understand and apply systems methodology Team-become sensitive to behavioral issues Global-develop an international perspective Ethics-do the right thing PgP MIS 362
Material Covered Digital Management, Chapters 1 to 11 About a chapter per week Formative and Summative Assignments due 8am Saturday Phoenix Project, entire book, including Resource Guide ProGit, Chapters 1 to 3, playlist PgP MIS 362
Assignments To focus on and hone required skills Formative assignments Introduce concepts Summative Assignments Reinforce concepts Submit assignments to a web database All Assignments Due per D2L calendar Sample format on website PgP MIS 362
Project 2-Knowledge Workers Assist knowledge worker Emphasize use of software to solve business problems Typically Excel, Access, Outlook, dual monitors or some technology issue How many students are familiar with FrontPage, PageMill, Dreamweaver, HTML coding? How many students are familiar with PowerPoint? PgP MIS 362
Project 3- Business Mentor Find mentor Prepare questions Email mentor and professor Interview mentor Create reports PgP MIS 362
Midterm Test Management Information System knowledge Hands on problems using Excel Questions on Phoenix Project PgP MIS 362
Final Cumulative, test Management Information System knowledge Hands on problem using Excel Questions on the technology used Questions on IS, IT, Git, GitHub, Phoenix Project PgP MIS 362
Policy on Collaboration You are permitted to work together on Assignments, Projects. However… During exams you are on your own, including doing hands-on problems in Excel. Therefore… It behooves you to actually do the work! PgP MIS 362
Grade Weight 50% Assignments, Formative and Summative 5% Project 2 10% Phoenix Project 15% Midterm 15% Final PgP MIS 362
Final Grade Based on 100 total points A 90% or greater B 80 to 89% C 70 to 79% D 60 to 69% F less than 59% PgP MIS 362
Grading A pattern of being late with assignment or project submissions will result in the loss of at least a letter grade. Poor spelling/grammar will be penalized! Up to 10% of item grade Make use of the Writing Center No extra credit, no make-up exams! Professor Paulson does not give out grades Students earn grades! PgP MIS 362
After This Course? Enjoy learning new software applications and problem solving? Consider MIS major or minor Feel free to join MISA, the MIS student organization Have questions about advising, scholarships, internships, careers, graduate school… Contact me at your convenience PgP MIS 362