Make it a Great Day! Monday May 16th 2016 Warm-up: Please silently read the second paragraph of “Issues” and analyze the map on pg. 720 of the blue book. Respond to Skillbuilder Questions 1 & 2.
Make it a Great Day 2nd & 3rd Periods! Monday May 16th 2016 Agenda: Attendance & Warm-up Antarctica Partner Assignment Preview & Introduction Learning Target: I can understand how global climate change might change the climate in the world’s coldest places. This means I can predict whether statements about Antarctica are true or false with my partner then read the introduction and geographic setting. SSWG 9f Materials you will need: Geography Notebook & Writing Utensil Antarctica partner assignment
Make it a Great Day! Monday May 16th 2016 Cool Down: Why do you think it was necessary for nations involved to sign the Antarctic Treaty of 1961?