Story: Dig, Wait, Listen: A Toad’s Tale April 30, 2018 Week 6 of 4th 9 Weeks Issue # 4 Mrs. Castellano's Class Weekly Objectives Homework As part of your 20 minutes reading time, please use istation; storyline online; bookflix: jdrugan. PW: bookflix Monday– Fluency folder: Week 21. One minute. Qestions on back. Spelling words 3 times each. Math: Week 32. HIGH FREQUENCY WORD list. Bring homework to school everyday. Tuesday– Fluency folder: Week 21. One minute. Questions on back. Spelling ABC order. Math: week 32. HIGH FREQUENCY WORD list. Wednesday- Fluency folder: Week 21. One minute. Questions on back. Sentences for spelling words 1-10. Math:Week 32. High Frequency Word list. Bring homework to school everyday. Thursday- Fluency folder: Week 21 Questions on back. Sentences for spelling words 11-20. Practice spelling test. Practice the ones you missed.. Math:week 32. Sentences for vocabulary words. High Frequency words everyday. Bring homework Friday-Tests on story of the week, spelling words, vocabulary words. I will send the tests on Friday. Please sign and return them. If you don’t get them, please write me a note in the agenda. Language Arts – Fiction & Non fiction, characters, setting, plot, Problem and solution, Parts of a book-glossary, table of contents, past tense endings, declarative and interrogative sentences, prepositions, plural nouns, author’s purpose. Math – Fractional Parets Science – Animal Characteristics Social Studies – Natural Resources Pattern: Vowel Teams Playground, bouncy, repeat, peaceful, enjoy, bean, elbow, point, boat, bean, seen, feel, between, seed, sea Spelling Words Vocabulary Words Story: Dig, Wait, Listen: A Toad’s Tale burrow: a hole or a tunnel. Beyond: going beyond means you passed your goal. Warning: means to be careful with something. Lengthy: means to be long. Distant: far away. Field Trip to SAC What: Students with perfect attendance will go see Disney characters at the SISD Student Activity Center May 18, 2018. How? We will ride the bus to and from. Permission slips? will be sent home soon. Time? 8:45am to 11:30am or so. Lunch? We will eat either at SAC or in school cafeteria. Not decided as of yet. Awards Ceremony for 2nd Grade: May 21, 2018 at 1:00pm. Follow our class/school on Twitter-Gaby Castellano@Drugan and see the wonderful things your children are doing! IF HOMEWORK IS LOST, PLEASE VISIT MY SISD.NET-SCHOOLS- JOHN DRUGAN.-FACULTY-CASTELLANO-WHAT’S HAPPENING IN MY CLASS..