Recipe You are planning on preparing a dinner for your family over the weekend what planning do you need to do before your party?
Recipe Recipe> A list of ingredients and directions for preparing a food 5 parts to a recipe Ingredients List Cooking equipment Cooking time and temperature Step to Follow Yield
Ingredients List The ingredient list tells you which ingredients are needed to make the recipe. It also list the amount of each ingredient you will need. The ingredient list also states the exact form of each ingredient This list help when making shopping list
Cooking equipment Most recipes tell you how to prepare a food, but don’t state what equipment you will need For instance, a recipe many tell you to boil noodles or slice carrots. Everyone knows that a saucepan and a cooktop are need to boil noodles. A knife and cutting board are need to slice carrots.
Cooking temperature and time Cooking time is when the food is actually in the oven or on the stove top Cooking time tells you about how long it will take to prepare the recipe. This is good to know because then you'll know how much time you'll need. And, if you're making dinner, you'll know how early you'll have to start making it. Some recipes will have the time divided into two parts: prep time and cooking time. Prep (short for "preparation") time is when you'll be busy in the kitchen. You'll be mixing, mashing, stirring, and doing whatever else the recipe's instructions say to do.
Steps to follow The steps describe what you must do to prepare the recipe. The steps are listed in the order they should be done. Sometimes, the steps are numbered. Other times, the steps are written in paragraph form Some recipe steps tell you how to get the ingredients and equipment ready. Other steps state how and when to combine ingredients
Yield Yield> The number and size of portions a recipe will make This tells you how many people you can serve. It also tells you how much each person will get This yield helps you decide if you need more or less food than the recipe will make
Check your knowledge Define recipe? What are the 5 parts to a recipe? 3. The ingredient list tells you a. The method for measuring ingredients b. How to combine ingredients c. The amount of ingredients needed d. The yield 4. ______________ is the number and size of portions a recipe will make 5. why is it important to follow step in order when reading a recipe?