Comparison of the allometric scaling of mean CO2 release rates at normoxia (21 kPa O2) and anoxia (0 kPa O2), critical PO2 (Pcrit) and maximum overall.


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Presentation transcript:

Comparison of the allometric scaling of mean CO2 release rates at normoxia (21 kPa O2) and anoxia (0 kPa O2), critical PO2 (Pcrit) and maximum overall conductances from air to mitochondria (GO2,max) regressed on mean fresh mass (log CO2 release versus log mass) of beetles using ordinary least squares (OLS) and standardized major axis (SMA) regression analyses. Comparison of the allometric scaling of mean CO2 release rates at normoxia (21 kPa O2) and anoxia (0 kPa O2), critical PO2 (Pcrit) and maximum overall conductances from air to mitochondria (GO2,max) regressed on mean fresh mass (log CO2 release versus log mass) of beetles using ordinary least squares (OLS) and standardized major axis (SMA) regression analyses Hilary M. Lease et al. J Exp Biol 2012;215:2524-2533 © 2012.