High Interest Reading Kit Building Student Success in Reading Comprehension
Preparing for the Training
Objectives Understand the rationale of the Kit Know the purpose of each of the Kits components Apply the Kits Pacing Charts and Daily Lesson Plans Utilize the High-Interest Reading Kit effectively in your classroom
Overview of Reading Kit Diagnostic Pretest Targeted Instruction Applied Practice Post Test
High-Interest Reading Kit Levels Level A: reading level 1.0–1.9 Level B: reading level 2.0–2.9 Level C: reading level 3.0–3.9 Level D: reading level 4.0–4.9 Level E: reading level 5.0–5.9
Teacher Resource Guide Kit overview Scope and sequence Suggestions for instruction Research Pacing chart Daily lesson plans Individual Tracking Chart Home letters Activities
Pacing Charts Extended-Day/ After-School, p.8 Summer School, p.15 Blank Pacing Charts provided on for customization.
Daily Lesson Plans Turn to page 14 of TRG Each of the 24 days features a Daily Lesson Plan. Use these lesson plans to effectively utilize each component of the Kit.
Day 1: Pretest Daily Lesson Plans tell you what materials are required. On Day 1, you will administer the diagnostic pretest. Before Day 1, print out Tracking Chart
Diagnostic Pretest Milestones in Reading Pretest and final assessment Pinpoint student strengths and weakness Show growth after instruction
Milestones in Reading A reading assessment should feature multiple reading genres. Passages include articles, biographies, fables, journal entries, etc.
Milestones in Reading Notice that the reading strategies are written above the questions. Students may answer in book or on bubble sheet
Milestones Teacher Guide Student Self- Assessments Teacher Assessments Answer Key
Tracking Chart Reproducible Tracking Charts allows student to track their own performance Have students record their results as they finish each lesson.
Review 1 1. What are the four steps of the High-Interest Reading Kit? 2. Which feature of the Teacher Resource Guide provides an outline for using the Kit and is customizable? 3. On Day 1 of your program, you will use Milestones in Reading for what purpose? 4. Why is it important for reading assessments to feature a variety of reading genres?
Day 2: Instruction Begin instruction with Making Reading Connections on Day 2. Students will practice with a lesson from Passageways. Assign a writing prompt from Explorations in Writing (in Passageways) as homework or classwork.
Targeted Instruction Making Reading Connections Targeted instruction in key reading skills Modeled instruction Guided practice Shorter passages appropriate for introductory instruction Small group, paired, or independent practice
Making Reading Connections: Learn About Model the strategy using the first page of Learn About. Lesson includes vocabulary and key concepts related to strategy
Making Reading Connections: Check Your Understanding Check Your Understanding repeats key concepts. Answer choices are explained.
Making Reading Connections: Teacher Guide Know Your Strategies handout Reproducible student bubble sheet Answer Key
Applied Practice Passageways 12 high-interest, nonfiction selections Texts progress in difficulty Reading comprehension questions Three open-ended writing prompts for each selection 3 Anthologies for each reading level
Passageways: Getting Started Getting Started is a way to tap students prior knowledge of the topic. K-W-L charts aid in comprehension (see Teacher Resource Guide)
Passageways Reading Selections Reading selections are written in various formats and fonts. Illustrations include photos, maps, charts, graphs, diagrams, etc. Preview texts with students.
Passageways Comprehension Questions After reading, students answer a series of comprehension questions. Students can record their answers on the bubble sheet.
Passageways: Explorations in Writing Explorations in Writing features 3 writing prompts for each reading selection. Assign prompts or have students choose
Passageways Teacher Guide Research summary Vocabulary lists Reproducible bubble sheet Answer key
Day 3: Continued Instruction and Applied Practice Continue instruction in Making Reading Connections on Day 3. Follow whole-class instruction with the next reading selection in Passageways.
Making Reading Connections: Learn More About Additional information about the strategy Less explicit instructions as students gain experience.
Making Reading Connections: Prepare for a Test Testing language Independent practice opportunities Strategy written above questions
Day 24: Post Test On Day 24, you will administer the Post Test Use the final 5 assessments from Milestones in Reading Record results on Tracking Chart to show growth
Summary of High-Interest Reading Kit Diagnostic Assessment Targeted Instruction Applied Practice
Additional Tools in the Teacher Resource Guide Scope and sequence Suggestions for instruction Research summary Home letters Activities
Scope and Sequence Turn to page 5 of TRG Find the reading strategies Note that not all 12 strategies are taught in the 24-day plan Use additional lessons from Making Reading Connections if there is time
Suggestions for Teaching English Language Learners Page 6 of TRG Activating prior knowledge Previewing vocabulary Cognates Think-Pair-Share Graphic Organizers Getting the Gist
Research Notes Turn to page 7 of TRG The instructional strategies included in the Kit What research says about those strategies Proven instruction to improve comprehension Find full research summaries at CA web site
Home Letter Page 42 of TRG Reproducible letter introduces families to program Provide suggestions for homework completion
Activities Pages 44 and 45 of Teacher Resource Guide Optional practice activities
Review 2 1. Beginning on Day 2 of your program, you will use Making Reading Connections for what purpose? 2. Which section of the Making Reading Connections lessons provide modeling opportunities as well as vocabulary and key concepts for the strategies? 3. What purpose does the Getting Started section of the reading selections in Passageways serve? 4. Think about how you will use Explorations in Writing (in Passageways) in your program. Will you assign the same prompt to all students or assign different prompts?
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