What is Extensive Reading? The Extensive Reading Foundation
A quiz on “ER” . . . Each slide will ask you a basic question about Extensive Reading. Look at the answer choices. Decide on one or more. Ready?
How much should students read? Just what the teacher tells them to read. As much as they can read carefully. As much as possible, even if they don’t understand it all
What reading material should they use? Their textbooks English novels Newspapers in English Graded Readers Materials in “Easy English” Online material Their textbooks English novels Newspapers in English Graded Readers Materials in “Easy English” Online material
Who should choose the material? The teacher The student The teacher The student
How difficult should the texts be? A little below their current reading level. Just at their current level. A little above their reading level. Texts for proficient users users ”A little below their current level” is the standard response, but it is good to challenge them at times.
How fast should they read? At a slow pace so that they can catch every word and stop when they don’t understand. As rapidly as possible even if they don’t understand some things. At a slow pace so that they can catch every word and stop when they don’t understand. As rapidly as possible even if they don’t understand some things.
What is the teacher’s job? To select the reading material. To set reading targets (books/words). To track how much they’ve read. To check they understand completely. To prepare follow-up activities. To encourage them to read by setting a good example.
Where should the students read? In class On the bus / train At home
How should the students read? Individually Together as a class Out loud Silently “Together as a class” is good once in a while, although “individually” and “silently” is the main mode for ER.
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