1 LEADERSHIP DEFINED Leadership Leadership Defined Category To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 1 Objectives of Leadership Task 1 Explain the definition of leadership.
1 Lesson Preview Leadership Leadership Defined Category Lesson Preview Inquire: Share experiences when they were part of a team. Identify leadership behaviors exhibited and share list. Gather: Cadets read text, In Teams, categorize leadership behaviors identified in the Inquire Phase into 3 categories: Purpose, Direction, and Motivation Process: In Teams, Cadets read Case Studies 1-3. Identify the leadership behaviors used. Apply: Cadets read the final case study and complete Journal Entry To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 1 Objectives of Leadership Task 1 Explain the definition of leadership.
1 Objectives Leadership Leadership Defined Category Objectives Understand how influencing others is a key aspect of leadership. Explain the three aspects of leadership: purpose, direction, and motivation. To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 1 Objectives of Leadership Task 1 Explain the definition of leadership.
1 Key Words Leadership Direction Leadership Motivation Purpose Leadership Defined Category Key Words Direction Leadership Motivation Purpose To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 1 Objectives of Leadership Task 1 Explain the definition of leadership.
Inquire/Gather: Write down your own definition of Leadership? In Teams, share definition of leadership. In Teams, compare/contrast definition of Leadership In Teams, formulate a definition of Leadership. As a Class, compare/contrast teams definition of Leadership In Teams, Read 1st Part of Text up to “Organizational Structures”. (As Cadet Reads, other Team members listen for topics in the passage: Purpose, Direction, Motivation. Each Team reviews and modifies their definition based on information read.
1 Questions - REFLECTION Leadership Leadership Defined Visual 1: Questions Category Questions - REFLECTION How did your teams definition compare/contrast with text? With which aspect of leadership are you most skilled or comfortable? Purpose, Direction, Motivation? Why? To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 1 Objectives of Leadership Task 1 Explain the definition of leadership.
Process: In Teams, read “Organization Structures” thru Case Studies 1-3 of Text. Each Team reads different Case Study. Teams identify and list behaviors exhibited by that Case Study Leader. Teams present their list to Class.
1 Questions - REFLECTION Leadership Leadership Defined Visual 1: Questions Category Questions - REFLECTION What positive behaviors do you like to see in a leader? What behaviors seem to be critical for a leader to be successful? To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 1 Objectives of Leadership Task 1 Explain the definition of leadership.
Apply: Individually, think about behaviors you exhibit in a leadership situation. Individually, what behaviors do you model. In teams, Read Case Study 4 and remaining of Text. In your journal, answer the following: What did you learn about how you influence others? What are some leadership behaviors you would like to adopt?
1 Leadership Leadership Defined Visual 1: Questions Category Questions What did you learn about how you influence others? What are some leadership behaviors you would like to adopt? To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 1 Objectives of Leadership Task 1 Explain the definition of leadership.
1 Questions - REFLECTION Leadership Leadership Defined Visual 1: Questions Category Questions - REFLECTION What did you learn about leadership in this lesson? If someone asked you to describe yourself as a leader, how would your respond? Explain 3 aspects of leadership? To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 1 Objectives of Leadership Task 1 Explain the definition of leadership.
1 THE LEADER WITHIN Leadership The Leader Within Category To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 1 Objectives of Leadership Task 2 Formulate a personal definition of leadership.
Lesson Preview: Leadership The Leader Within Lesson Preview: Inquire: In Teams, Cadets describe what Leadership means to them. Gather: Cadets complete Exercise 2: Self-Image WS Process: Cadets write their own personal definition of leadership Apply: Cadets complete journal entry that identifies how their personal definition of leadership applies to their everyday life.
Icebreaker / Energizer Leadership The Leader Within Icebreaker / Energizer Cadets complete Exercise 1: Leadership Behaviors Review Exercise with Cadets. Raise hand when the response they selected is read.
1 Questions - REFLECTION Leadership The Leader Within Visual 1: Questions Category Questions - REFLECTION How did answering the exercise help you understand your leadership behaviors? Did some of the situations seem easier to deal with than others? If so, which ones and why? To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 1 Objectives of Leadership Task 2 Formulate a personal definition of leadership.
1 Objectives Leadership The Leader Within Category Objectives Identify leadership behaviors that cadets currently exhibit. Develop a plan for improvement of personal leadership behaviors. Apply a personal definition of leadership to cadets’ everyday lives. To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 1 Objectives of Leadership Task 2 Formulate a personal definition of leadership.
1 Key Words Leadership Beliefs Self-image Self-disclosure The Leader Within Category Key Words Beliefs Self-disclosure Self-image To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 1 Objectives of Leadership Task 2 Formulate a personal definition of leadership.
Inquire: Definition of Leadership: “Leadership is the ability to influence, lead, or guide others so as to accomplish a mission in the manner desired by providing purpose, direction, and motivation” In Teams, What does Leadership mean to you personally? Pass out the Graphic Organizer (Sunshine Wheel) In Teams, describe what leadership means to you. You can list behaviors, actions, or characteristics of a Leader. Have Team designate someone to capture the discussed items on the Wheel. Teams share with Class their graphic organizer
1 Questions - REFLECTION Leadership The Leader Within Visual 1: Questions Category Questions - REFLECTION Did your description of leadership change based on your Tm members responses? If so, in what way? Were there any items you were surprised to see identified with leadership? If yes, why? If you could only use two descriptors to explain leadership, what would they be? To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 1 Objectives of Leadership Task 2 Formulate a personal definition of leadership.
Gather: Work individually and you need to reflect on the leadership behaviors you exhibit. Read text, pg. 7-9 and answer first two questions on Exercise 2: Self-Image Worksheet. Form pairs and answer the last two questions on Exercise 2: Self-Image Worksheet.
1 Questions - REFLECTION Leadership The Leader Within Visual 1: Questions Category Questions - REFLECTION Was anyone surprised by their partners response? If so, why? Few Cadets answer number 2 and 4 of Exercise 2: Self-Image Worksheet To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 1 Objectives of Leadership Task 2 Formulate a personal definition of leadership.
Process: Work individually and review your answers from Exercise 1 and Exercise 2 and think about what your personal definition of leadership might be. Write your own personal definition of leadership on Handout 1. Cadets read their definition of Leadership to class. Cadets have the opportunity to add to and finalize their definition.
1 Questions - REFLECTION Leadership The Leader Within Visual 1: Questions Category Questions - REFLECTION How does your personal definition of leadership compare or contrast with the military definition of Leadership? To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 1 Objectives of Leadership Task 2 Formulate a personal definition of leadership.
Apply: Review your personal definition of Leadership you wrote in your notebooks. List 3 ways that you can apply your definition of leadership to your everyday lives.
1 Leadership The Leader Within Visual 1: Questions Category Questions What did you learn about yourself and your leadership behaviors? What are some beliefs or values you have that affect your leadership behavior? To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 1 Objectives of Leadership Task 2 Formulate a personal definition of leadership.
1 Core Values Leadership Core Values Category To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 1 Objectives of Leadership Task 2 Formulate a personal definition of leadership.
Icebreaker / Energizer: Leadership Core Values Icebreaker / Energizer: Complete Exercise 1: What would you do? Truthfully Poll class by show of hands on each question. Explain answers.
1 Leadership Questions - REFLECTION Ethics, Morals, Values Visual 1: Questions Category Questions - REFLECTION What did Exercise 1 reveal about yourself or your classmates? What emotions did Exercise 1 bring out in you? How did you feel when your answer was in the minority or majority? To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 2 Core Values Task 1 Describe the ethics, morals, and values.
Lesson Preview: Leadership Core Values Lesson Preview: Inquire: Cadets think of a time when they had to make a decision between right and wrong and discuss with teams. Gather: Research a topic from the student text and present it to class Process: Complete Exercise 2: Scenarios WS and discuss Apply: Cadets write about marine Corps ethics, morals, and values
1 Objectives Leadership Ethics, Morals, Values Category Objectives Explain ethics, morals, and values as they relate to the Success Academy. Identify the four professional beliefs and values of the Marine Corps. Understand how honor, courage, and commitment define the code of conduct for the Marine Corps. To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 2 Core Values Task 1 Describe the ethics, morals, and values.
1 Key Words Leadership Code of Ethics Honor Commitment Loyalty Courage Ethics, Morals, Values Category Key Words Code of Ethics Commitment Courage Ethics Honor Loyalty Morals Values To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 2 Core Values Task 1 Describe the ethics, morals, and values.
Inquire: Think of a time in your life when you had to make a decision between right and wrong. For example: smoking, drinking, cheating. In teams, answer the following question. You do not need to reveal the details of your situation. Keep in mind the terms: ethics, morals, and values. What leads you to make a decision in a given situation? What tells you when to act and when not to act? Teams share answers with class.
1 Leadership Questions – REFLECTION Ethics, Morals, Values Visual 1: Questions Category Questions – REFLECTION What did you learn from your classmates about how they make decisions? How would you define ethics, morals and values? How do you think ethics, morals, and values relate to the Success Academy? To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 2 Core Values Task 1 Describe the ethics, morals, and values.
Gather: In teams, research assigned topic in the student text. Cadets will prepare and present their topic to the class using visual aide if necessary. TOPICS: Marine Ethics and Morals Loyalty to the Nation Loyalty to the Unit Personal Responsibility Selfless Service Self-Discipline Core Values
1 Leadership Questions – REFLECTION Ethics, Morals, Values Visual 1: Questions Category Questions – REFLECTION What did you learn about ethics, morals, and values in the Marine Corps? How do the Marine Corps ethics and values apply to you as a Cadet? To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 2 Core Values Task 1 Describe the ethics, morals, and values.
Process: In Teams, truthfully answer the question on Exercise 2: Scenario Worksheet. Within your teams. Each team will share their answer to one of the questions on the exercise.
1 Leadership Questions – REFLECTION Ethics, Morals, Values Visual 1: Questions Category Questions – REFLECTION What have you learned about your ethics, morals, and values today? What have you learned about your classmates’ values today? How can you encourage others to “do the right thing”? To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 2 Core Values Task 1 Describe the ethics, morals, and values.
Apply: Think about ethics, morals, and values of the Marine Corps that you have learned today. What ethics, morals, and values are important to the Marine Corps? How can the Marine Corps ethics, morals, and values apply to your everyday life?
1 Leadership Questions – REFLECTION Ethics, Morals, Values Visual 1: Questions Category Questions – REFLECTION What did you learn about your values? If someone asked you to describe your ethics, morals and values, what would your say? To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 2 Core Values Task 1 Describe the ethics, morals, and values.
1 Core Values Leadership Corp Values Category To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 1 Objectives of Leadership Task 2 Formulate a personal definition of leadership.
1 Leadership Lesson Preview: Marine Corps’ Core Values Category Lesson Preview: Inquire: In teams, Cadets define Honor, Courage and Commitment Gather: Teams research their assigned topic and creats a Double T-Chart Process: Team reads one of the historical case studies and creates a fishbone organizer. Describes the individual read about and how they exhibited Honor, Courage, and Commitment Apply: Each team creates a poster that represents at least one of the Core Values To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 2 Core Values Task 2 Briefly explain and provide examples of honor, courage, and commitment.
1 Objectives Leadership Marine Corps’ Core Values Category Objectives Define honor, courage, and commitment as they relate to the Marine Corps. Provide examples of honor, courage, and commitment. Understand how honor, courage, and commitment relate to the code of conduct for the Marine Corps. To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 2 Core Values Task 2 Briefly explain and provide examples of honor, courage, and commitment.
1 Key Words Leadership Commitment Courage Dilemma Honor Principle Marine Corps’ Core Values Category Key Words Commitment Courage Dilemma Honor Principle To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 2 Core Values Task 2 Briefly explain and provide examples of honor, courage, and commitment.
Icebreaker/Energizer : In 3 Teams. Make 3 posters to hang in the classroom that relate to: Honor, Courage Commitment. Poster should answer the following question: What do the Core Values mean to my classmates, the Marine Corps, and me? Look at the posters and determine which word you identify with the most. Think of a time in your life when you have either witnessed or exhibited examples of the word you identify with the most Stand under the poster that you identify with the most. Volunteers share why you identify with that term.
1 Leadership Questions - REFLECTION Marine Corps’ Core Values Category Questions - REFLECTION What did you learn about honor, courage, or commitment? What did this activity reveal to you about yourself and your classmates? To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 2 Core Values Task 2 Briefly explain and provide examples of honor, courage, and commitment.
Inquire: In Teams, assign one of the following topics to each team: Honor, Courage, and Commitment. Each team thinks about what the definition of their topic would be. Define your topic using the graphic organizer Teams share their graphic organizer definition.
1 Leadership Questions - REFLECTION Marine Corps’ Core Values Category Questions - REFLECTION What did you learn from your classmates about your topic? How do you think honor, courage, and commitment relate to the Success Academy? To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 2 Core Values Task 2 Briefly explain and provide examples of honor, courage, and commitment.
Gather: In 3 Teams. Each team is assigned one of the following topics: Honor Courage Commitment Pressures of Leadership Maintaining Your Ethics and Developing and Ethical Climate In Teams, research your assigned topic in the student text. Use the pages prior to the case studies to research your topic Create a “Looks, Sounds, Feels” Double T-Chart for their assigned topic. Teams share their graphic organizer with class
1 Leadership Questions - REFLECTION Marine Corps’ Core Values Category Questions - REFLECTION What did you learn about honor, courage, commitment? How does the Corp’s Values apply to you as a cadet? To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 2 Core Values Task 2 Briefly explain and provide examples of honor, courage, and commitment.
Process: In Teams, read assigned historical case study. Create a Fishbone Graphic Organizer to help describe the individual that they read about. Each Fin will be Honor, Courage, and Commitment. Describe the ways that the individual in the case study exhibited those values. Teams share with class their graphic organizer
1 Leadership Questions - REFLECTION Marine Corps’ Core Values Category Questions - REFLECTION What did you find most amazing or surprising about the individual you read about in your case study? Do you think that you would have taken the same actions? Why or Why not? To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 2 Core Values Task 2 Briefly explain and provide examples of honor, courage, and commitment.
1 Leadership Questions - REFLECTION Marine Corps’ Core Values Category Questions - REFLECTION How do the core values apply to your everyday life? What did you learn that you valued the most? What are some of the ways that you can encourage yourself and others to follow the core values? To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 2 Core Values Task 2 Briefly explain and provide examples of honor, courage, and commitment.
1 Leadership TEST REVIEW – 75pts Marine Corps’ Core Values Category TEST REVIEW – 75pts List two primary examples of Marine Corps standards. 10pts Define ethics. 5pts List 3 of the 5 values that are encouraged in the Marine Corps – 15pts + 10pts bonus for listing all 5 List the core values. 15pts Define and provide an example of each of the core values. 30pts (Honor, Courage, Commitment) To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 2 Core Values Task 2 Briefly explain and provide examples of honor, courage, and commitment.
1 Army Values Leadership Army Values Category To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 1 Objectives of Leadership Task 2 Formulate a personal definition of leadership.
1 Leadership Army Values Category To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 2 Core Values Task 2 Briefly explain and provide examples of honor, courage, and commitment.
1 Objectives Leadership Identify the Seven Army Values Category Objectives Identify the Seven Army Values Describe the Seven Army Values Relate personal Values to Army Values To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 2 Core Values Task 2 Briefly explain and provide examples of honor, courage, and commitment.
Army Values What are they and why do we have them? Why do we care about Army Values? 1
Army Values Function of Army Values Define the identity of America’s Army Define a person’s character Provide direction How does having values’ provide direction? How can displaying Army Values define a person’s character?
Army Values L – Loyalty D - Duty R - Respect S – Selfless Service H - Honor I - Integrity P – Personal Courage
Army Values LOYALTY Bearing true faith and allegiance to the Constitution, the Army, the Unit and the Individual Correct Ordering of Soldier’s obligations and commitments Dedication to carry out all Unit missions and serve the Values of the Country, the Army and the Unit
Army Values DUTY Fulfilling professional, legal and moral obligation Duty first Accomplishing all tasks to the fullest of one’s ability Accepting responsibility for one’s actions and those of subordinates Prohibits illegal and immoral actions Requires disobedience of unlawful orders
Army Values Respect Promote dignity, consideration of others, fairness, and equal opportunity Treating people as they should be treated Regard for feelings and needs of others Requires leaders to safeguard welfare of Soldiers
Army Values SELFLESS SERVICE Placing Army priorities above self Welfare of the Nation and Mission accomplishment before personal safety Does not imply neglect of family or self Precludes selfish careerism Give credit where credit is due Includes willingness to sacrifice
Army Values HONOR Adhering to Army Values Motive for action Ability to make moral decisions based on deep personal values and conscience Encompasses the other six values Requires leaders to exceed their duty
Army Values INTEGRITY Honest in word and deed “Completeness” “Wholeness” Leads to consistency among principles, values and behavior Candid and sincere w/peers, subordinates and superiors
Army Values PERSONAL COURAGE Two Types: Physical and Moral Enables one to face fear, danger, and adversity in any situation Includes taking responsibility for actions and decisions
The Moral Compass Honor Integrity Personal Courage Respect Duty Loyalty Selfless- Service These values provide each individual, team, platoon, company, etc. the guidance critical combat situation 6
Sources of Personal Values Personal Value System Religion Parents Peers Education Media Technology The Army does believe there are multiple sources for shaping values. It takes values very seriously and promotes these as its core. 4
Values and the US Army “The nation expects its Army to adhere to the highest standards of professional conduct and to reflect the ideals of American values. The American people demand a quality Army that honors the core values of the Constitution it is sworn to uphold - a strong respect for the rule of law, human dignity and individual rights.” FM 6-22, Army Leadership Competent, Confident, and Agile 12 October 2006
Introduction to Warrior Ethos
1 Objectives Leadership Define Warrior Ethos Warior Ethos Category Objectives Define Warrior Ethos Memoize the Soldier’s Creed List the Four Tenets of Warrior Ethos To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 2 Core Values Task 2 Briefly explain and provide examples of honor, courage, and commitment.
1 Introduction to Warrior Ethos Leadership What is a Creed? Warior Ethos Category Introduction to Warrior Ethos What is a Creed? “A Set of fundamental beliefs; a guiding principle” What are some examples of a Creed? What is a Soldier’s Creed? Why do we have it? A Creed is a way of expressing our values and character that define the Army. To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 2 Core Values Task 2 Briefly explain and provide examples of honor, courage, and commitment.
I am an American Soldier. I am a Warrior and a member of a team. I serve the people of the United States and live the Army Values. What do these sentences tell us? What is a Warrior? What does it mean to ‘serve the people of the United States’? What are the Army Values?
The Four Tenets of the Warrior Ethos I will always place the mission first. I will never accept defeat. I will never quit. I will never leave a fallen comrade. The Four Tenets of the Warrior Ethos
I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself.
I am an expert and I am a professional. I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy the enemies of the United States of America in close combat. I am a guardian of freedom and the American way of life.
I am an American Soldier
Ethos defined: The disposition, character, or fundamental values peculiar to a specific person, people, culture, or movement.
Why have Warrior Ethos? We are a values based institution Warrior Ethos is the motivating principle that ensures we win wars It demands all Soldiers be trained and equipped to engage the Enemy in close range It defines how Soldiers adapt on the battlefield from the lowest end of the spectrum to the highest It is reflected in everything we do. We are at war Soldiers must be ready to contribute to their unit immediately upon arrival The contemporary operating environment demands readiness to fight the enemy in close combat – regardless of specialty
Warrior Ethos Leaders will have numerous roles and responsibilities throughout their time spent serving. Some will be commanders or staff officers; instructors or trainers. Regardless, leading through example is the standard for molding tomorrow’s leaders. Whatever the role, Leaders must have the character, presence, and intellect to do whatever is asked of them.
1 Introspection Leadership Introspection Category To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 1 Objectives of Leadership Task 2 Formulate a personal definition of leadership.
1 Leadership Lesson Preview: Using Introspection to Develop Leadership Traits Category Lesson Preview: Inquire: Cadets complete Exercise 1: Agree/Disagree Gather: Cadets complete Exercise 2: Introspection Process: Cadets develop questions on index cards they would ask themselves during an introspection activity Apply: Complete an introspection activity using their Journals. To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 3 Leadership Traits Task 1 Briefly explain and provide examples of introspection.
1 Objectives Leadership Define introspection. Using Introspection to Develop Leadership Traits Category Objectives Define introspection. List the various methods of introspection. Identify the appropriate questions used during an introspection activity. To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 3 Leadership Traits Task 1 Briefly explain and provide examples of introspection.
1 Key Words Leadership Contemplation Introspection Reflection Using Introspection to Develop Leadership Traits Category Key Words Contemplation Introspection Reflection To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 3 Leadership Traits Task 1 Briefly explain and provide examples of introspection.
1 Leadership Questions - REFLECTION Using Introspection to Develop Leadership Traits Category Questions - REFLECTION How do you think the words you defined apply to leadership situations? How do you think these terms apply to you as a leader? To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 3 Leadership Traits Task 1 Briefly explain and provide examples of introspection.
1 Leadership Questions - REFLECTION Using Introspection to Develop Leadership Traits Category Questions - REFLECTION By completing the exercise, what did you learn about yourself as a leader? Why might it be helpful to reflect on previous leadership positions? How can previous leadership experiences positively and negatively influence future ones? To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 3 Leadership Traits Task 1 Briefly explain and provide examples of introspection.
1 Leadership Questions - REFLECTION Using Introspection to Develop Leadership Traits Category Questions - REFLECTION So how does introspection relate to leadership? Why is it important to set aside a specific time for introspection? Why is having a positive attitude so important during an introspection activity? To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 3 Leadership Traits Task 1 Briefly explain and provide examples of introspection.
1 Leadership Questions - REFLECTION Using Introspection to Develop Leadership Traits Category Questions - REFLECTION What do you think is the most important question you could ask yourself during an introspection activity? To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 3 Leadership Traits Task 1 Briefly explain and provide examples of introspection.
1 Leadership Questions - REFLECTION Using Introspection to Develop Leadership Traits Category Questions - REFLECTION How effective was this introspection activity? How often should you do an introspection activity? How does introspection apply to your daily lives? To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 3 Leadership Traits Task 1 Briefly explain and provide examples of introspection.
Military Leadership Traits 1 Leadership Military Leadership Traits Category Military Leadership Traits To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 1 Objectives of Leadership Task 2 Formulate a personal definition of leadership.
Lesson Preview: Leadership Military Leadership Traits Lesson Preview: Inquire: In Teams, Cadets create a Sunshine Wheel of leadership traits they feel are important Gather: Lecture/Discussion of 14 leadership traits. In Teams, research assigned traits. Define and provide examples of each assigned topic Process: In Teams, Cadets identify leadership traits of historical leaders Apply: Cadets complete Journal entry
1 Objectives Leadership Military Leadership Traits Category Objectives Provide a definition and example of each of the 14 leadership traits. Describe how the 14 leadership traits apply to the Success Academy. To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 3 Leadership Traits Task 2 Briefly explain and provide examples of the 14 leadership traits.
1 Key Words Leadership Bearing Courage Decisiveness Dependability Military Leadership Traits Category Key Words Bearing Courage Decisiveness Dependability Endurance Enthusiasm Initiative Integrity Judgment Justice Knowledge Loyalty Tact Unselfishness To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 3 Leadership Traits Task 2 Briefly explain and provide examples of the 14 leadership traits.
1 Icebreaker/Energizer: Leadership Military Leadership Traits Category Icebreaker/Energizer: Mystery Leader Cards: One for each Cadet. Exercise 1: Mystery Cards provide 15 historical or current leaders that can be used Each Cadet gets one mystery card. Cadets get mystery card taped to the back of their shirts Cadets can only ask each other one question about the name of the person on their back. Will go around the room asking until they guess their person. Example Questions: Is the person male or female? Is the person deceased. To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 3 Leadership Traits Task 2 Briefly explain and provide examples of the 14 leadership traits.
1 Questions - Reflection Leadership Military Leadership Traits Category Questions - Reflection Why is it important to know about these “mystery leaders”? What can you learn from them? How are they similar to and different from each other? To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 3 Leadership Traits Task 2 Briefly explain and provide examples of the 14 leadership traits.
1 Leadership Military Leadership Traits Category Inquire: In teams of seven (7), cadets create a sunshine wheel graphic organizer of all the leadership traits they identify Teams share graphic organizer with class One student combines the leadership traits on the board Checkmarks placed by traits that are identified by more than one team. To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 3 Leadership Traits Task 2 Briefly explain and provide examples of the 14 leadership traits.
1 Questions - Reflection Leadership Military Leadership Traits Category Questions - Reflection Were there any leadership traits that you were surprised to see identified? If yes, why? Why do you think some teams identified the same traits? To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 3 Leadership Traits Task 2 Briefly explain and provide examples of the 14 leadership traits.
1 Leadership Military Leadership Traits Category Gather: Remain in Teams of 7. Teams are assigned 2 of the 14 leadership traits. Discussion introducing the 14 military leadership traits and how they relate to the Military and the Success Academy Each team reads the student text that corresponds to their assigned topic Teams, should define and provide an example of their assigned leadership traits. Teams share their leadership traits to class. To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 3 Leadership Traits Task 2 Briefly explain and provide examples of the 14 leadership traits.
1 Questions - Reflection Leadership Military Leadership Traits Category Questions - Reflection Which leadership traits did you most identify with and why? Why do you think these leadership traits would be important to you in the Success Academy? To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 3 Leadership Traits Task 2 Briefly explain and provide examples of the 14 leadership traits.
1 Leadership Military Leadership Traits Category Process: Remain in Teams of 7. Think of a historical leader you admire. Each team decides on a historical leader that they admire most Each Team research’s their leader and list the leadership traits that individual exhibited and explain how their leader exhibited the leadership traits. Teams present their information to the class. To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 3 Leadership Traits Task 2 Briefly explain and provide examples of the 14 leadership traits.
1 Questions - Reflection Leadership Military Leadership Traits Category Questions - Reflection Which historic leader do you feel exhibited the most leadership traits and why? What traits did the leaders have in common? Why do you think these common traits are important? To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 3 Leadership Traits Task 2 Briefly explain and provide examples of the 14 leadership traits.
1 Leadership Military Leadership Traits Category Apply: Think about the leadership traits that you have exhibited Memorize the 14 Leadership Traits. Acronym: JJDIDTIEBUCKLE Pair up and practice reciting the traits using the acronym To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 3 Leadership Traits Task 2 Briefly explain and provide examples of the 14 leadership traits.
1 Questions - Reflection Leadership Military Leadership Traits Category Questions - Reflection List the leadership traits that you commonly exhibit in a leadership situation. List the leadership traits you would like to develop Create a personal plan that will help you develop the leadership traits you identified. To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 3 Leadership Traits Task 2 Briefly explain and provide examples of the 14 leadership traits.
1 Questions - Reflection Leadership Military Leadership Traits Category Questions - Reflection If you had to pick the two most important leadership traits, what would they be and why? How do the 14 Military Leadership Traits apply to your everyday life? To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 3 Leadership Traits Task 2 Briefly explain and provide examples of the 14 leadership traits.
1 Questions - Reflection Leadership Military Leadership Traits Category Questions - Reflection Why is it important to know about these “mystery leaders”? What can you learn from them? How are they similar to and different from each other? To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 3 Leadership Traits Task 2 Briefly explain and provide examples of the 14 leadership traits.
Leadership Primary and Secondary Objectives 1 Leadership Leadership Primary and Secondary Objectives Category Leadership Primary and Secondary Objectives To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 1 Objectives of Leadership Task 2 Formulate a personal definition of leadership.
Lesson Preview: Leadership Leadership Primary and Secondary Objectives Lesson Preview: Inquire: Decide what the primary objective of leadership is Gather: Read Student Text and complete a Venn Diagram on the two objectives Process: Complete a case study about the two objectives Apply: Cadets complete Journal entry to show how the leadership objectives apply to their lives in the Success Academy
1 Objectives Leadership Leadership Primary and Secondary Objectives Category Objectives Identify the primary and secondary objectives of leadership. Describe the objective of mission accomplishment. Explain the objective of troop welfare. To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 1 Objectives of Leadership Task 3 Explain the primary and secondary objectives of leadership.
1 Key Words Mission Accomplishment Troop Welfare Leadership Leadership Primary and Secondary Objectives Category Key Words Mission Accomplishment Troop Welfare To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 1 Objectives of Leadership Task 3 Explain the primary and secondary objectives of leadership.
Inquire: Leadership Display Key Words Leadership Primary and Secondary Objectives Inquire: Display Key Words Using the key words, cadets decide which topic is the primary objective and which is the secondary objective of leadership Cadets who think the primary objective is troop welfare stand by the door Cadets who think mission accomplishment is the primary objective to stand by the table Each group explains why they made their choice. Primary Objective is Mission Accomplishment and the Secondary Objective is Troop Welfare
Leadership Mission Accomplishment: Is achieving your goal Leadership Primary and Secondary Objectives Mission Accomplishment: Is achieving your goal Achieving your goal is the primary focus when asked to take on a task Troop Welfare: Welfare of your troops should always be a consideration for a leader You are expected to accomplish assigned missions and to take care of the troops under your leadership. Accomplishing both objectives develops leadership
1 Leadership Leadership Primary and Secondary Objectives Visual 1: Questions Category Questions Why do you think mission accomplishment is the primary objective? Why do you think troop welfare is secondary? Do you think your needs as a leader come before or after your troop’s welfare? Explain To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 1 Objectives of Leadership Task 3 Explain the primary and secondary objectives of leadership.
Leadership Leadership Primary and Secondary Objectives Gather: Draw an empty Venn Diagram on the board. One side labled “Mission Accomplishment” and the other “Troop Welfare” In the two groups, Cadets think about how they would compare and contrast the two objectives. Volunteers read the introduction, Mission Accomplishment, and Troop Welfare sections of the student text. In groups, Cadets compare and contrast the two objectives and list their answers Cadet volunteer write their answers in the Venn Diagram Cadets then write what is common in the shared center of the Venn Diagram
1 Leadership Leadership Primary and Secondary Objectives Visual 1: Questions Category Questions How does mission accomplishment or troop welfare relate directly to you in the Success Academy If you chose troop welfare as the primary objective in the Inquire Phase, but have now changed your mind, why did you change your mind? To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 1 Objectives of Leadership Task 3 Explain the primary and secondary objectives of leadership.
Process: Leadership Cadets get into three teams Leadership Primary and Secondary Objectives Process: Cadets get into three teams Cadets will be reviewing a case study that relates to the leadership objectives Each team reads the case study in the student text. Stop reading when you get to the Case Study Options section. Each team writes down 2 or 3 options that the new squad leader could take and shares with class. Class votes on best option and writes on board Volunteers read the options in the student text and finish the case study. Why was the class option different from the option in the text.
1 Leadership Leadership Primary and Secondary Objectives Visual 1: Questions Category Questions What mission did the squad leader have to accomplish in the case study? How did the new squad leader take troop welfare into consideration? To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 1 Objectives of Leadership Task 3 Explain the primary and secondary objectives of leadership.
Leadership Leadership Primary and Secondary Objectives Apply: Cadets think about how mission accomplishment and troop welfare affect them at the Success Academy In your notebooks: List 3 examples of mission accomplishment and troop welfare that apply to them at the Success Academy How do leaders balance mission accomplishment and troop welfare when they may be in conflict? In what ways may a leader be required to put his troop’s welfare before his own?
1 Leadership Leadership Primary and Secondary Objectives Visual 1: Questions Category Questions What is your leadership goal at the Success Academy What are some ways that you can apply the leadership objectives to your everyday life? To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 1 Objectives of Leadership Task 3 Explain the primary and secondary objectives of leadership.
The 11 Leadership Principles Category The 11 Leadership Principles To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 1 Objectives of Leadership Task 2 Formulate a personal definition of leadership.
1 Objectives Leadership The 11 Leadership Principles Category Objectives Describe and provide an example of each of the 11 leadership principles. Explain how the 11 leadership principles apply to the MCJROTC. Describe how the 11 leadership principles promote effective leadership. To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 4 Leadership Principles Task 1 Briefly explain and provide examples of the 11 leadership principles.
1 Key Words Leadership Concise Proficient Convey Supervise Grievance The 11 Leadership Principles Category Key Words Concise Convey Grievance Immediate Potential Proficient Supervise Tactical Technical To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 4 Leadership Principles Task 1 Briefly explain and provide examples of the 11 leadership principles.
1 Leadership Know yourself and seek self‑improvement. The 11 Leadership Principles Visual 1: The 11 Leadership Principles Category Know yourself and seek self‑improvement. Be technically and tactically proficient. Know your subordinates and look out for their welfare. Keep your subordinates informed. Set the example. Ensure the task is understood, supervised, and accomplished. Train your subordinates as a team. Make sound and timely decisions. Develop a sense of responsibility among your subordinates. Employ your command in accordance with its capabilities. Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions. To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides Skill 4 Leadership Principles Task 1 Briefly explain and provide examples of the 11 leadership principles.