Funding Opportunities Horizon 2020 H2020 = largest and innovation program in the world. 80 bn euros. How many have heard about H2020? How many have had funding from H2020? UU has somewhere between close to 150 projects within H2020. In FP7 we had 250 projects. 60 ERC grants. Anders Alderborn, Assoc Prof Head of Research Support Unit Office for Medicine and Pharmacy Uppsala University
Many funding opportunities Basic research Applied research and innovation International collaborations within EU (and outside) Usually ≥3 countries involved Academia – industry – public organisations Cross-disciplinary research Networking European infrastructure Training and mobility within and outside EU ! ! ! ! ! !
Many funding opportunities Search regularly for calls to find your opportunities H2020 is a program to reach political goals Research with strong emphasis on innovation, international collaboration and creation of impact Contact EU project coordinators for advice
Europe 2020 EU’s strategy for economical development Common goals for EU development within: Employment rate Research and development Climate/energy Education Social inclusion and poverty reduction Broken down into seven flagship initiatives
Flagship initiatives Smart growth Sustainable growth Inclusive growth Innovation union Flagship initiatives Youth on the move Digital agenda Sustainable growth Inclusive growth Industrial Policy for the Globalization Era European Platform Against Poverty Resource Efficient Europe Agenda for new Skills and Jobs
Flagship: Innovation Union Improve framework conditions and access to funding for research and innovation Make Europe a world-class science performer Strengthen the innovation value chain Turn ideas into products and services for at better society, growth, jobs and competitiveness Revolutionise the way public and private sectors work together Innovation = an idea put into practice with success, e.g. technical and social innovations
Where is the funding?
Largest research/innovation programme in the world Horizon 2020 is the financial instrument implementing Europe 2020 and the Innovation Union Largest research/innovation programme in the world No 8 in a series of Frame Programmes: FP1 to FP7, 1984 – 2013 Horizon 2020, 2014 – 2020 Horizon Europe, 2021 – 2027
Main goals Strengthen the EU’s position in science (“Excellent science”) Boost top-level research Address major European concerns (“Societal challenges”) Health problems, climate, energy, inequalities etc Bridge the gap between research, healthcare and market Strengthen European industry, in particular small companies (SMEs) (“Industrial leadership”) Remove obstacles in industrial innovation
Main goals Strengthen the EU’s position in science (“Excellent science”) Boost top-level research Address major European concerns (“Societal challenges”) Health problems, climate, energy, inequalities etc Bridge the gap between research, healthcare and market Strengthen European industry, in particular small companies (SMEs) (“Industrial leadership”) Remove obstacles in industrial innovation => A variety of calls formed in three ”priorities” (pillars)
Strengthen EU’s position in science I will now briefly describe the most important programs for us at UU. Strengthen European industry, in particular small companies (SMEs) Address major European concerns in society
Strengthen EU’s position in science
ERC (European Research Council) Groundbreaking research, “bottom-up” (a la VR) Individual grants Project types: Starting Grant 2-7 years from dissertation Consolidator Grant 8-12 years from dissertation Advanced Grant Highly prestigious grants for basic research
ERC Synergy Grant Basic frontier research, “bottom-up” 2-4 Principal Investigators to jointly address ambitious research questions Up to € 10 million over 6 years Proof of Concept Grant For ERC Grant holders to investigate innovation potential
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Education/training combined with mobility Research training Develop the innovative potential of researchers Funded persons must move to another country Enhance employability in academia and non-academia Any idea allowed (= bottom-up)
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships (IF) Individual grants for researchers with PhD or equivalent (ER) to work in a lab in another country for 3 – 24 months Two alternatives: In Europe – max two years Outside EU – max two years abroad and one year in EU Well suited for post-docs with some experience Do you know anyone from abroad who want to work at UU?
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Innovative Training Networks (ITN) ~ 6 - 10 universities and companies working together European “research schools” to train creative and innovative ESRs (usually PhD students) Training to face societal challenges and to convert ideas into products and services for economic and social benefit Great opportunity for PhD students!
Do you have any visionary new idea to investigate? FET Open FET = Future Emerging Technologies Funding to study radically new technological possibilities to “shape the future technology landscape” Collaboration between academia and industry Any idea allowed (= bottom-up) => with high future impact on a market Do you have any visionary new idea to investigate?
Address major European concerns in society
Societal Challenges Focus: Research/innovation projects to address challenges in society Challenges in H2020: Health, demography Food, agriculture, forestry, water, bioeconomy Energy Transport Climate, resources, raw materials Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Secure societies
Societal Challenges EU defines calls (”top-down”) Collaborations between academia, industry and public sector Bring together resources from different fields Cover applied research and close-to-market activities Three criteria: Science Impact Implementation
Strengthen European industry, in particular small companies (SMEs)
Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies (LEIT) Focus: Develop new technologies to boost competitiveness, create jobs and support growth Collaboration between industry and academia Industrial participants will maximise the chance to reach the market Areas: Nanotechnology Biotechnology Advanced materials Advanced manufacturing and processing Information and communications technology (ICT) Space
Pan-European Networkning Public-private partnerships
Excellent opportunity to be part of large international networks COST Network Actions within EU and 8 neighbors (36) Strengthen cooperation in Europe Close the gap between science, policy makers and society Funded (no research): Scientific workshops / conferences Training for young scientists Dissemination and publications Excellent opportunity to be part of large international networks
Collaboration academia, industry and public partners Focus: Entrepreneurship and innovation UU involved in three EIT focus areas: EIT Health InnoEnergy EIT raw material Funding of projects within: New education Close-to-market research projects Business creation opportunities
Public-private partnerships (PPP) Long-term commitments between academia and industry Funding collaborative projects within each PPP Top-down calls within 7 PPPs: Medicines and treatments Innovative (IMI2) Energy and transport (FCH2) Electronics manufacturing capabilities (ECSEL) Clean Sky 2 (CS2): Aircraft Bio-based Industries (BBI) Railway infrastructure (Shift2Rail) Air Traffic Management system (SESAR)
Many funding opportunities Search regularly for calls to find your opportunities H2020 is a program to reach political goals Research with strong emphasis on innovation, international collaboration and creation of impact Contact EU project coordinators for advice
The Funding & Tenders Portal
Information in MP (medarbetarportalen)
EU funding support at UU
Good luck!