Introduction to Computer Science


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction to Computer Science Instructor: Dr. Quincy Wu ( e-Textbook: Bharat Kinariwala and Tep Dobry, "Programming in C", Published by University of Hawaii at Manoi, 1993. Evaluation: Exercise (30%) Midterm Exam (35%) Final Exam (35%) Try to earn bonus! C Programming

Program Power Software (programs) rule the hardware (the physical machine). The process of creating this software is called programming. Why learn to program? Fundamental part of computer science Having an understanding of programming helps you have an understanding of the strengths and limitations of computers. C Programming

Not Only Learn, But Also Use Computers are powerful in Computation Data Storage Communication Try to solve problems around you. Improve efficiency Reduce cost C Programming

X + Y 愛的方程式 (A Beautiful Young Mind) NCNU Library has the DVD of this movie, but only with Chinese subtitle. C Programming C Programming

Do you notice the problem? C Programming

Format of SRT Sequence number Start Time  End Time Subtitles to 1 00:00:27,102 --> 00:00:29,484 - (THUNDER RUMBLING) - (RAIN POURING) 2 00:00:49,685 --> 00:00:52,470 NATHAN: I find any communication 3 00:00:52,602 --> 00:00:56,110 of a non-mathematical nature very difficult. 4 00:00:58,351 --> 00:01:02,677 Because I don't talk much, people think I don't have anything to say, Start Time  End Time Subtitles to display A space line for separation

Shift the time by +5 seconds 1 00:00:32,102 --> 00:00:34,484 - (THUNDER RUMBLING) - (RAIN POURING) 2 00:00:54,685 --> 00:00:57,470 NATHAN: I find any communication 3 00:00:57,602 --> 00:01:01,110 of a non-mathematical nature very difficult. 4 00:01:03,351 --> 00:01:07,677 Because I don't talk much, people think I don't have anything to say,

Now it looks better C Programming

Huge amount of trivial work! You can certainly do this manually, but There are 1430 subtitles to modify. You need to be careful in computing 00:01:57 + 5sec  00:02:02 00:59:59 + 5sec  01:00:04 If you edit the SRT file manually, It takes a long time, probably longer than 1 hour. It is error-prone. Leave these trivial tasks to computers! C Programming

Programming Languages Natural language has ambiguity and imprecision problems when used to describe complex algorithms. I saw the man in the park with the telescope. 某打字機廣告【不打不相識】 台北市羅斯福路藝品畫廊【有畫好說】 Programs expressed in an unambiguous , precise way using programming languages. Every structure in programming language has a precise form, called its syntax Every structure in programming language has a precise meaning, called its semantics. C Programming

Your Wording Must Be Precise Expecto Patronum! C Programming

Recipe:紫山藥球 紫山藥去皮切厚片。 放入蒸籠蒸約30分鐘,取出碾壓成泥,加入糖、奶油揉勻,並視紫山藥含水量適量添加糯米粉,加至不黏手為原則。 紫山藥平分15g為一小糰,並用水沾濕手將山藥球搓成圓型(可沾上芝麻)。 熱油鍋至150℃,慢慢放入步驟3的山藥球,炸至表面呈金黃色即可撈起瀝乾油脂。 C Programming

Spend 6 + 3 Hours in a Week Before a class Three-hour class Reading - textbook, online articles Watch videos Three-hour class Writing programs Before you come to the classroom, bring a question. Homework: Tetris, 2048 Late submission of in-class exercise: before 17:00 - 90%, before Wed 23:00 - 80%. C Programming Python Programming, 2/e

A Few Suggestions Take notes Think about it. Practice Practice again. Teach it. Identify your weakness and try to improve. C Programming

Visual Studio 2017 C Programming

Development Setting: C Programming

Start a new project File – New – Project Add – New Item … Empty Project Name: test Add – New Item … Name: test.cpp C Programming

Try a simple program C Programming

Where is the output? Q: When I press Ctrl-F5 to run my application, the console window pops up, the program output appears and then the window quickly closes as the application exits. This makes it difficult for me to see the output. How can I prevent the window from closing immediately?  A: Alt-F7 Configuration Properties / Linker / System. Set "Subsystem" to "Console". C Programming

請這幾位同學下課後來找我 s107321016 林彥甫 s107321036 楊燿宇 s107321048 林育如 C Programming