High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE/FSN)
Background Proposed terms of reference Proposed structure HLPE/FSN in the reform of the Global Governance of Food Security
Background Soaring food prices crisis (2 nd Q 2008) High Level Conference (FAO, June 2008) G8 Summit (Tokyo, July 2008) Special Session of the FAO Conference (November 2008)
Purpose Provide expert advice on policy, technical and scientific issues (platform) Provide governments and other actors with reliable information and analysis of prevailing and prospective food security & nutrition situation Guide decision in case of uncertainty, present controversial issues, play a role of systemic alert
Basic Principles Legitimacy and credibility based on reliance on highly reputed experts Composition must take into account geographical balance and different schools of thoughts Interaction between scientific and professional experts while remaining independent Transparent to affirm factual scientific authority, and accessible to the public
Proposed Functions Assessment of the extent of food insecurity and under-nutrition Analysis of the causes and consequences of food insecurity Provide advice on emerging issues Identify areas for further studies
Proposed Structure for HLPE/FSN The High Level Panel is composed of two main units: The International Scientific Coordination Committee on Food Security and Nutrition (ISCC-FSN) The Network of Experts on Food Security (NEFS)
HLPE/FSN ISCC-FSN Fields of Expertise
HLPE/FSN ISCC-FSN Fields of expertise
HLPE/FSN v ISCC working Thematic View of the Network
International Scientific Coordination Committee on Food Security and Nutrition ISCC/HLPE Composed of members from around the world, including a chair and 3-4 vice chairs Eminent scientists and personalities selected through an independent panel Appointment by the DG/FAO after endorsement by CFS and country of origin Acts as the scientific arm of the CFS Bureau Ensures the scientific coordination of the Network (NEFS) Ensures the scientific and technical underpinning of CFS reports
Network of Experts on Food Security (NEFS) Composed of high level specialized experts covering all disciplines relevant to food security Selection by an independent panel under the authority of the Chair ISCC Serves as roster for the constitution of working groups and task forces of HLPE/FS
Secretarial Functions Roster of experts; selection panels Correspondence with members of Scientific Committee and Network of Experts Organization of meetings Commissioning of work and dissemination of information; website Mobilization of resources Reports to Chair of High Level Panel; hosted by FAO
HLPE-FSN in the Global Partnership on Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition (GPAFSN) scientific pillar policy pillar financial pillar GPAFSN GLOBALLEVELGLOBALLEVEL FIELDFIELD Renewed CFS HLPE ? LEVELLEVEL
Renewed CFS for a Renewed CFS/Global Partnership on Agriculture and Food Security HLPE/FSN ISCC ? ISCC/HLPE