Surveys R Fun
Planning What do I need to get out of this? What else might be nice to know? Is this a topic that is going to immediately get people jumping to conclusions? Making them suspicious. Will they assume you are going to sell them something? Convert them to a new idea – not a sales pitch of any kind (even to change their mind) How can I set them at ease?
Processing Are there demographics that you care about? Are we screening anybody out? Demo questions go at the end Satisfaction or favorability? Do that up front before I remind them of everything they might love or hate? I’m going to tab for that or against that. What can I connect to that? If I want open ended description of something, get it right up front before something biases them. Start fairly general Never ask the actual question you want to know.
Processing Lichert scale or agree/disagree backed up by strongly agree, disagree Try not to have a mid-point Try to make all of the statements positive and make them agree/disagree. And never have a zero on your scale Don’t lump two things into one question. Was the salesperson courteous and professional?
Processing Know that time is difficult for people. Time contracts in people’s minds so time questions are never accurate. Never ask, “were you aware that” – cause people won’t admit that Never ask “why?” – it comes off as an affront. Ask “for what reasons” – doesn’t offend.
Editing Know that time is difficult for people. Time contracts in people’s minds so time questions are never accurate. Never ask, “were you aware that” – cause people won’t admit that Never ask “why?” – it comes off as an affront. Ask “for what reasons” – doesn’t offend.