Recall from Yesterday Bottom-up accountability is key Recourse is the new frontier CSOs are important players CSO have two roles vis-à-vis World Bank – Ensure that Bank does what it says it does – Partner with Bank in enhancing accountability in borrower countries The Bank should not be seen as a villain Bank is an institution that shares CSO values BUT pursues these goals in ways that are sometimes not in line with CSO expectations Dialog, strategic partnership Remember: Sunshine is the Disinfectant to improve all aspects of the Development Process
How does the Inspection Panel function? And How can you access the Panel? Werner Kiene Chairman Serge Selwan Operations Officer The World Bank Inspection Panel Marrakech, Morocco July 23, 2009
The World Bank Group Two houses under one roof Public Investment – IBRD – IDA Private Investment – IFC – MIGA Inspection Panel (Reporting to the Executive Board) CAO (Compliance/ Adviser / Ombudsman) (Reporting to the President)
4 What does the IBRD/IDA finance ?? Public Sector Arm of the World Bank Group Projects/Programs – Hard Investment ….E.g. roads, dams – Soft Investment …..E.g. capacity building, – Mixed Investment…E.g. Water sector improv. Development Policy Loans (DPL) Special Operations The Panel can be called in for ALL financing types
Inspection Panel is an independent Unit of WB responds to complaints (Requests for Inspection) by people who believe that they are suffering, or may suffer, harm caused by a World Bank-financed project What is the Inspection Panel ?
Inspection Panel
7 Organization of Panel Three Members – Selection Procedure – Their role Secretariat – Organization – Role Expert Consultants
The Panel investigates whether the Bank has followed its own policies and procedures in design, appraisal and implementation of a project Does NOT investigate Borrowers or implementing agencies What does the Panel do?
Open loan/credit – less than 95% disbursed Request can be submitted since Project identification phase (issuance of first PID). After bringing issues to Bank attention Any language. Names can be kept confidential No procurement issues When can the Panel deal with a Request
A community of two or more affected people A local organization, or other duly appointed representative, on behalf of the affected people A foreign organization, in exceptional circumstances, if no local representative is available An Executive Director of the World Bank Whose Request can the Panel Pursue?
Suggested Format for a Request for Inspection 1. We [names of at least two persons] live and/or represent others who live in the area known as [name of area]. Our addresses/contacts are attached. 2. We have suffered, or are likely to suffer, harm as a result of the World Bank's failures or omissions in the [insert name and/or brief description of the project or program] located in [insert location/country]. 3. [Describe the damage or harm you are suffering or are likely to suffer from the project or program]. 4. [List (if known) the World Bank's polices you believe have not been observed]. 5. We have complained to World Bank staff on the following occasions [list dates]by [explain how the complaint was made]. We have received no response, [or]we have received a response and we are not satisfied that the explanations and answers solve our problems for the following reasons:__________________. 6. We request the Inspection Panel recommend to the World Bank's Executive Directors that an investigation of these matters be carried out. We [do/do not] authorize you to disclose our identities.
The Inspection Panel process: A) Two formal phases B) Informal Follow-up Phase Eligibility – time bound Request received Management Response to Request (21 days) Panels eligibility report and recommendation on investigation (21 days) Board decision (on non – objection basis) Investigation Upon Board authorization Panel conducts fact-finding investigation Panels investigation report Management Report and Action Plan in response to Panels findings Board Mee ting
Informal Follow-up Phase Panel is Fact-finding Mechanism Panel makes Findings NOT recommendations Avoids conflict of interest, but reduces bite Management plus Complainants plus Govmt. make recommendations…. Board approves No formal monitoring through Panel…. But Board often asks for fact-based follow-up Need for change to Tracking approach
The Panel has received Requests dealing with a wide variety of projects and programs, such as: land reform extractive industries, including pipelines, mining, forestry large infrastructure projects, including dams structural adjustment loans
Diversity of Panel Cases Ethiopia: Compensation for Expropriation Tanzania: Power generation Lesotho/South Africa: Water Argentina: Hydroelectric Dam Kenya: Lake Victoria Environmtal Management Chad/ Cameroon Pipeline Colombia: Submarine Sewer Disposal Uganda: Proposed Bujagali Hydropower Burundi: Public Works Project Cambodia: Forest management Honduras: Land Titles Democratic Republic of Congo: Forest Sector and DPL Albania: Powerplant Albania: Coastal Land Management Nigeria: West African Gas Pipeline Project Uganda: Bujagali Dam Ghana: Accra Landfill Panama: Land Titles DRC: Mine Sector Yemen: Institutional Reform Policy Development Grant
Project-level: Spotlight problems; sunshine Management Action Plan - - importance, issues, follow-up, return visits Ultimate results for people Similar projects/sectors Forests, infrastructure, Indigenous peoples Bank-wide Incentives to apply safeguards (versus proofing of projects) Risk-taking; not transfer to most vulnerable Other institutions Several have created similar mechanisms An instrument of public participation The Panel gives voice to affected people during design, appraisal and implementation of projects Impacts of the Process
Confidentiality in investigation ! Transparency with results ! Published on Panel web page: Notice of Registration Request for Inspection Management Response Panel Eligibility Report Panel Investigation Report Management Report and Recommendations Information about Board decisions
18 Contacting the Panel Confidentiality !!!! Here By Mail or The Inspection Panel World Bank 1818 H Street, NW Washington, DC USA Or: Confidential Mail Box: The Inspection Panel P. O. Box Washington, D.C U.S.A.