#QWiki The Wikipedia Editing Club for Queensland GLAM
#QWiki is about… Demonstrating the capacity of GLAM orgs to make Wikipedia a more robust research ecosystem Building information and digital literacy skills in GLAM staff Increasing the visibility of libraries engaging with Wikipedia
#QWiki is the place for you to… Become confident in your editing skills Showcase GLAM collections Edit articles around a different theme each month Novice or experienced everyone is welcome. Editing together is a great op to learn more and network Themes have included International Women’s Day, Library and Information Week, NAIDOC Week, Brisbane Writers Festival, Anzac Day, and updating electoral maps in time for last years state election We work mainly within the biography of Queensland A lot of SLQ content is licenced CC BY 4.0 – so we are able to add it to Wikipedia
What impact are we having? Over 1k edits to Wikipedia - An increase in quality content and citations 361 Wikipedia articles 80 Image Uploads 31 Editors 64.6K words added 8 million views The stats for our web traffic referrals – the top 25 websites that access our digitised collections show between the 15/16 and 16/17 Financial Year and Wikipedia jumped from 12th place to 3. 9 en.wikipedia.org to 3 en.wikipedia.org 11 Commons to 5 Commons 26 mobile version of Wiki to 14th place Mobile version of Commons making its first appearance in the top 25 in 16/17 in 18th place So we can see the tangible impact Wikipedia is having on the discoverability of our collections.