Feedback provided by a Technical Advisory Committee CIG Technical Flow Feedback provided by a Technical Advisory Committee NRCS Determine reduction targets MDEQ MDA Year 1 Cost/benefit analysis of BMPs Conservation Districts Monitoring IWR On-going Year 1 Develop and deliver outreach plan Model sediment yield in select watersheds Year 1-Year 2 Year 1 Farmers Build and refine on-line HIT system Interface with CIG Specialists On-going On-going Provide user feedback CREP Technicians On-going
Composition of Advisory Committee and Planned Inputs Representatives of MACD Farm Bureau Watershed Orgs MDNR FSA MSUE NRCS IWR MDEQ Advisory Committee Inputs MDA Other inputs Water quality info Estimate levels of farmer participation Identify high risk erosion areas Identify Targeted Sub-watersheds
Composition of IWR Technical Committee Representatives of MACD Farm Bureau Watershed Orgs CIG Specialists CREP Technicians MSU Ag Engineering FSA NRCS MDA Technical Committee Inputs IWR HIT utility Outreach effectiveness Ease of system use Modeling improvements Refine and enhance HIT technical capacity
CIG Program Evaluation MDA Conservation Districts IWR MDEQ Estimate long term water quality improvements Unique hits on HIT website Participants and enrolled acres as a % of potential participants and acres Quantify reductions in sediment loadings Number of farmers and organizations receiving conservation education Provides