an intruder in the neutrino school and to finish...THE AXION CAST: The CERN Axion Solar Telescope Iñaki Ortega ISAPP 2013 LSC, Canfranc
What are axions? Proposed to solve the called Strong CP problem New pseudo-scalar field. First proposed by Peccei and Quinn. Particle interpretation by Weinberg and Wilczek Some properties of the axion: Solution to CP problem and candidate to Dark Matter is like a ghost!! - Practically stable - Very low mass - Very low cross-section Axion couples to photon: Primakoff effect
The future helioscope IAXO The International AXion Observatory -Optimized magnet: figure of merit ~300 bigger than CAST -Low background detectors: big experience from CAST - X ray optics: great improvement of signal to noise ratio
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