Role and responsibilities of district review panellists
Review panellists Groups of experienced educators and practising teachers Appointed to review panels by the QSA Provide advice to schools in subjects within their area of expertise
District review panels Provide advice to schools and the QSA about: work programs monitoring verification random sampling
Roles of panellists Promote the principles of externally moderated school-based assessment Support, advocate and implement a standards- based approach to assessment Are able to develop syllabus standards-based positions in relation to evidence presented by schools in sample folios when conferencing
Roles of panellists (cont.) Understand the flexibility schools have to develop syllabus-based courses of study and assessment to match their unique contexts, cohorts and resources Support and implement review panel decisions Conduct professional conversations at moderation meetings in a respectful, confidential and collegial manner
Roles of panellists (cont.) Provide constructive and diplomatic comments for the panel chair to use in feedback to schools Ensure confidentiality of all materials, discussions and decisions Know, understand and apply QSA senior moderation policies, protocols, procedures and strategies
Review panel member requirements Current, extensive knowledge of the subject area Clear understanding of current syllabuses Up-to-date knowledge of procedures for work program approval, monitoring and verification Participation in review panel training Meeting timelines set by the QSA Punctual and dependable attendance at meetings