Tasking Thinking notes inspired by: Garfield Gini-Newman, Roland Case. Leading Educational Change for a 21st Century World , The Critical Thinking Consortium 2015 Dweck, C. Fixed vs. Growth Mindset Ericsson, A. and Pool, R. Peak 2016 Fayolle, A. ed. Handbook of Research in Entrepreneurship Education, Volume 1: A General Perspective , Small Teaching by James M. Lang Bain, K. (2004). What The Best College Teachers Do. Harvard University Press: Cambridge, MA Pink, D. A Whole New Mind Collins, A., Brown, J. S., & Newman, S. E. (1988). Cognitive apprenticeship. Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children, 8(1), 2-10. Published March 7th 2006 by Riverhead Books Zull, J The Art of Changing the Brain: Enriching the Practice of Teaching by Exploring the Biology of Learning, 2002.Stylus Publishing, VA. https://www.learning-theories.com/cognitive-apprenticeship-collins-et-al.html and 40 years of teaching Duhigg, C. The Power of Habit Dunlosky, J, Rawson K. A., Marsh E.J., Nathan, M. J, and Willingham, D. J. Improving Students’ Learning With Effective Learning Techniques: Promising Directions From Cognitive and Educational Psychology (examines a number of common PSE approaches to learning) Psychological Science in the Public Interest 14(1) 4–58
Think Engage with purpose Support into criteria Challenge to apply Assess to re-engage Snapchat score example
Set TASKs Critical Thinking tasks Decode the Puzzle Judge Better or Best Perform to Specs Design to Specs Critique the Piece Rework the Piece 6 Forms of Critical Thinking tasks Decode the Puzzle: suggest and justify a proposed solution, explanation or interpretation to a confusing or enigmatic situation Judge Better or Best: Judge from among two or more options which meets the criteria best Perform to Specs: Perform or undertake a course of action that meets a given set of criteria Design to Specs: Develop a product that meets a given set of criteria Critique the Piece: Judge the merits or drawbacks of a product or performance Rework the Piece: Transform a product or performance in light of additional information or an assigned focus, alternate genre or different perspective Sofonisba Anguissola
TASKING 1 Decode the Puzzle: suggest and justify a proposed solution, explanation or interpretation to a confusing or enigmatic situation.
Decode Decode this image what year? What evidence leads to this conclusion?
TASKING 2 Judge Better or Best: Judge from among two or more options which best meets the criteria.
WEIGH Which is a good phone? Criteria One to buy? Background Needs known Words Unknowns? Out loud Paper process Judge better or best
TASKING 3 Perform to Specs: Perform or undertake a course of action that meets a given set of criteria 6 Forms of Critical Thinking tasks Decode the Puzzle: suggest and justify a proposed solution, explanation or interpretation to a confusing or enigmatic situation Judge Better or Best: Judge from among two or more options which meets the criteria best Perform to Specs: Perform or undertake a course of action that meets a given set of criteria Design to Specs: Develop a product that meets a given set of criteria Critique the Piece: Judge the merits or drawbacks of a product or performance Rework the Piece: Transform a product or performance in light of additional information or an assigned focus, alternate genre or different perspective Elysium Cabaret
Predict What’s a good bet? Criterial Outcome? Foundational Knowns? Correct terms Unknowns? Out loud Stake? Using critical thinking, predict the outcome of something in progress now with an uncertain outcome. Politics? Stocks? Weather? Sports? Difference of opinion? What’s the bet and what are the stakes of the bet? No money, no embarrassment, but something of value
TASKING 4 Design to Specs: Develop a product that meets a given set of criteria Grinders Aroma Festival 2009
Share Quality Standards Measures Codes Principles Have students design/write/create a product that fits standards of your area of inquiry. What does good look like in your discipline?
TASKING 5 Critique the Piece: Judge the merits or drawbacks of a product or performance
PMI 180 s Is this good? By your self: Criteria Plusses Background Minuses Words Interestings Out loud report using the PMI Tackle a difficult, counter-intuitive concept from your discipline The PMI is a highly effective and elegantly simple three-minute exercise. It entails having teams spend one minute identifying as many pluses, or good points, as they can about a certain idea; then another minute identifying all the minuses, or negative points; and finally a third minute identifying aspects of the idea that are neither positive nor negative—merely interesting. The premise is that once we latch onto a particular opinion, we tend to use our ability to think primarily to support and justify that opinion. In doing so, we become closed to opposing viewpoints. Why consider other views after all when we know we're right? One minute per round may seem like too little time, but the very brevity of the exercise is one of its strongest features. People's attention becomes riveted on carrying out the exercise and one minute allows just enough time to jot down responses without analyzing or judging them. For that reason, it's important to adhere to the one-minute per round time limit, rather than soliciting people's views about the plus and minuses and discussing each one in turn. A PMI might be just the exercise to help shed light on alternatives. Best of all, no one can claim they don't have the time.
TASKING 6 Rework the Piece: Transform in light of added info assigned focus alternate genre different view Star Wars with genders switched. Mockingbird from Atticus’ vpt. Fernando Botero
BREAKfix What’s a good problem? Criterial Needs thought Foundational Matters Correct terms On topic Out loud Easy entry Use the criteria to design a thinking problem in your teachable area that fits the level you’ll teach at. What will success look like? Consider relevance, credibility and usefulness of your design
Think Engage with purpose Support into criteria Challenge to apply Assess to re-engage Snapchat score for mode, median and mean