Top Tips OBJECTIVES: To revise how to approach the mocks
Your mocks are this week! You will be sitting your Language Paper 2 mock on Thursday. You will be sitting your Language Paper 1 mock on Wednesday. There is a revision session afterschool Wednesday, with me, on Language paper 2 from 3.15-4.15 Make sure you take your books home to revise from!
Easter homework Language: You are being given a revision booklet for both the language exams. Please use this over Easter to practise writing responses. Any questions you complete, I will mark Literature: Complete the sheets given for the ‘Modern’ text unit and revise key quotations. Poetry: Make sure all poems are annotated in your anthology. Use this website to help make notes/recap:
Indicate your confidence with a smiley face: Language Paper 1 Question key words Marks? Timing? Paragraph structure? How many? How confident? TIPS Indicate your confidence with a smiley face:
What question does this TOP TIP go to? Use the 4 part structure Analyse language closely Include structure words Write about reader reactions Vary sentence structures Be accurate with your spelling Save enough time for this question Don’t spent too much time on this Q Look at both sides of the statement DON’T analyse language Do a PLAN of your ideas Don’t forget to read the box at the top of the page
Language Paper 2 TIPS How confident? Question key words Marks? Timing? Paragraph structure? How many? How confident? TIPS
What question does this TOP TIP go to? Include power phrases Analyse language closely Include connectives to show links Write about how the reader feels when they read the text Vary sentence structures Be accurate with your spelling Read the sources carefully Push your Point and Evidence together Do a PLAN of your ideas Don’t forget to read the box at the top of the page
Extra Practice Identify which question you are least confident with (look back at your smiley faces). Now, come and collect the relevant sources and question from the front. Use your placement to help you write your response! You have the rest of the lesson to practise writing.