METIS 2011 Workshop Session III – National Implementation of the GSBPM


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Presentation transcript:

Implementation of the GSBPM in the Development of the Integrated Business Survey Program METIS 2011 Workshop Session III – National Implementation of the GSBPM Alice Born and Tim Dunstan Thursday October 6, 2011

Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada Background Integrated Business Statistics Program (IBSP) Centralizing and standardizing processes from collection to dissemination of business statistics Complex – phase I includes 60 annual business surveys; 6 generalized systems with different technologies; 400 million transactions per year estimated Pillars of the IBSP project: Improve governance across all areas Use of tax data for estimation of financial variables Common sampling, editing strategies Earlier cut-off to active collection Use of e-questionnaires as principal mode of collection “data service centres” for warehousing of statistical information “metadata-driven” Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 30/07/2019

Alignment with corporate business architecture and GSBPM The Corporate Business Architecture (CBA) initiative is a comprehensive review of the way Statistics Canada conducts its business, including the processes used, enabling computer systems, planning systems and organizational structure. The CBA will involve implementing measures designed to reduce operating costs, enhance quality assurance and improve responsiveness in the delivery of new statistical programs We need to reduce large numbers of decentralized and specialized systems and processes without damaging quality. We must focus on becoming more consistent, standardized and systemic in all of our practices. We need to find ways to improve our use of the resources we have and have greater organizational efficiency and increased responsiveness to user needs., Increased robustness of systems and processes Accelerated execution of new projects and programs. We need common/shared tools ,processes and practices in project management and governance. We need corporate solutions and centralized management of resources. We must create a smaller set of generalized systems and processes that are shared by all programs and that are well-documented and maintained. Principles of CBA: Emphasize corporately (rather than locally) optimal decision making Metadata should be created at the beginning of every process and used throughout the project life cycle Optimize the use of corporate services such as informatics, methodology support and frame infrastructure, collection, data capture and imaging, statistical processing, and dissemination Maximize re-use: Use the smallest possible number of distinct business processes and use the smallest possible number of enabling computer systems Minimize the number of softwares and tools used to support business processes Encourage widespread training on corporate business applications and tools Create a strong statistical information management framework Eliminate duplication of effort Focus on StC’s core business (developing, producing and disseminating statistical information and analysis) Separate development from ongoing operations Promote electronic data collection Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 3 11-03-15 3 3 3

Metadata-driven IBSP Metadata Repository(s) Quality Indicators Business Rules IBSP Metadata Repository(s) Data Source Selection IBSP 120+ Survey Flow Metadata Configurations Data Inclusion Control Questionnaire Development Application/Tool Editing Rules for Collection Systems IBSP Processing Applications Metadata will be used everywhere in the system More persistent metadata that doesn't change much will exist in the repository provided via interface screens, or inputs from external systems like QDT The repository is a database of all the metadata all of our applications need. The survey flow setup process allows the survey manager or user to choose and configure the metadata each survey will use during processing. Setting up the survey flow will allow for data source tax data, aux data and captured data, one or many. Setting the prioritization of that available data. eg. If capture and tax both exist, take record always. The configuring of the survey flow “programs” the system to act in a certain way during processing and customizes the selection of metadata it needs to use Example in mockups... Data Integration & validation Rules Collection Editing Systems Standards & IMDB IBSP Post-Processing Applications More Static More Dyanamic 4 4

Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada Metadata-driven Major part of requirements. One proven method is to break down our project into manageable pieces so the GSBPM was used. CBA has endorsed the adoption of the Generic Statistical Business Process Model for Statistics Canada. The is the basis for business architecture modeling for all of Statcan. IBSP has chose to use this to help define their new documented business processes for the future state; what they want Business Survey Processing to evolve to in the spirit of becoming more efficient and standardized in their approach. IBSP has identified over 47 business processes that are in the process of being detailed and described for their future state model These map to the corporate generic processes model with some variation to accommodate the uniqueness of business surveys. 5 Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 11-03-15 5 5 5

GSBPM and the Integrated Business Statistics Program Used in the business analysis of IBSP GSBPM used to breakdown the project into manageable parts GSBPM used to define and document business processes – future state – more standardized and more efficient Over 47 business processes identified – detailed descriptions for each Some variation required for business surveys Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 30/07/2019

Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada Approach map existing business processes (i.e., IBSP Business Processes) to the GSBPM business use cases were produced for each of the IBSP business process groups detailed business process model was produced by expanding the second level of the GSBPM writing names and descriptions for the customized sub - and sub-sub-processes of the model Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 30/07/2019

IBSP Business processes GSBPM Phases IBSP Business processes 1 Specify needs 2 Design, content 3 ... 4 ... 5 6 7 8 9 10 Disseminate 11 Archive 1. Specify needs x 2. Design 3. Build X 4. Collect 5. Process 6. Analyse 7. Disseminate 8. Archive 9. Evaluate Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 30/07/2019

Business Architecture/Analysis Process 2.4 Design frame and sample methodology of Phase 2 Design of the GSBPM expanded Business Architecture/Analysis + sign means more details. At the end of this activity, a new documented detailed business processes will be available for all business changes in the future. Each business process will have information assets, inputs and outputs, consumer/providers, information states and flows, classifications and metadata. Business analysis is the basis for system requirements. Status Update... Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 9 11-03-15 9 9 9

Information Architecture Information analysis and business process analysis Identify all the information needs and flow throughout the processing detailed business process analysis carried out at the sub-process level of the GSBPM Information Architecture Information Architecture will identify, classify and build logical data models for our database design. This information can be described by metadata and our challenge is to find and capture all the information needs and its corresponding metadata to enable us to create a metadata driven/dependent system. This information is being discovered and described during the workshops detailing the new business processes, during working group discussions on content and during the detailing of the system use-cases. Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 10 11-03-15 10 10 10

Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada Business use case Description 4.1 Select sample Sub-process establishes frame Selects sample Quality assurance – business register 4.2 Set up collection Resources ready to collect data Takes place over a period of time 4.3 Run collection Sub-process where collection takes place Initial contact with respondents Follow up Records when and how respondents were contacted 4.4 Finalize collection Loading of collected data and metadata for further processing in Phase 5 Extraction of data , converting formats BUC descriptions of processes and activities were parsed and transformed into sub-sub-processes of the GSBPM Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 30/07/2019

Statistics Canada • atistique Canada Common metadata and common tools After classifications and semantics are defined, we can begin to group our data and metadata into specific types which is the first step in organizing the logical data models for the database design. Information analysis is the basis for the database design Status Update... 11-03-15 Statistics Canada • atistique Canada 12 12 12 12

Benefits of using the GSBPM in the IBSP duplication and redundancy of processes are avoided by rigorous use of the GSBPM development of business activity descriptions was facilitated through use of the GSBPM description of information needs was the by-product of development of the business use cases documentation of the detailed business process was completed as the business process analysis advanced Management of future changes in a process or sub process (Change Management) is greatly facilitated by use of the GSBPM. Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 30/07/2019

Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada Lessons learned mapping of the GSBPM to groupings of existing IBSP Business Processes was confusing large group of people consulted at the beginning of the process was soon abandoned for a smaller more specialised group follow through with the momentum built at the beginning of developing the business process for a grouping - once the business process model is complete, follow through with the task descriptions and so on. Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 30/07/2019

Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada Lessons learned mapping of the GSBPM to groupings of existing IBSP Business Processes was confusing large group of people consulted at the beginning of the process was soon abandoned for a smaller more specialised group follow through with the momentum built at the beginning of developing the business process for a grouping - once the business process model is complete, follow through with the task descriptions and so on. Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 30/07/2019

Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada Next steps Information architects now developing information architecture for the IBSP (similar to GSIM project) Metadata Model detailed Information Model Generalised systems will be updated on the business requirements generated by these models Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 30/07/2019