Culture 8 Elements geographers use to study cultures are: Daily Life History Arts Government Economy Social Groups Language Religion
Daily Life What people eat How they eat it What people wear Where they live
History Shapes our view of the world Successes Bad times or dark periods
Arts Paintings, sculptures, architecture, dance, music, theatre, concerts, and literature What people think is important and beautiful
Government Gives us rules and laws to live by Limited government- all must obey laws and rules. Leaders have limited power Unlimited government- rulers have powers that are not limited
Economy How we make a living What we produce What services are provided What resources we use Developed or underdeveloped country
Social Groups Number of rich, middle class and poor in society How we treat our young and old Ethnic groups within our society
Language Strongest unifying force of a society Dialects- local form of a language, could change pronunciation or meaning Soda, Pop, Coke
Religion Helps answer basic questions of life’s meaning How many different religions are within the country What conflicts happen because of religion