Outline Background Locality Map Backlog Figures Budget Requirements Bucket Eradication Projects Funding Required For Buckets Challenges
Background 8 municipalities in 37 294 km2 Population = 810 214 = 12.4% of Provincial population 3rd Largest DM in the EC Mostly rural and youthful
Backlog Figures Local Municipality: Total Population Water Backlog (R) Sanitation Total Emalahleni LM 116,945 46,383,437 55,314,923 101,698,360 Inkwanca LM 20,489 490,904 21,845,355 22,336,259 Intsika Yethu LM 196,816 87,727,856 102,191,773 189,919,629 Inxuba Yethemba LM 61,058 4,123,644 10,678,517 14,802,161 Lukhanji LM 194,144 66,569,326 50,972,858 117,542,184 Ngcobo LM 150,597 284,561,192 102,608,463 387,169,655 Sakhisizwe LM 54,665 10,288,601 13,769,867 24,058,468 Tsolwana LM 32,977 19,976,426 31,830,559 51,806,985 Chris Hani DM 810,214 R 520,121,386 R 389,212,315 909,333,701
Budget Requirements Total Service 2007/8 2008/9 2009/10 2010/11 Water 260,060,693 Sanitation 97,303,078 Total MTEF (BILL) 357,363,772 207,000,419 161,918,181 189,186,000
Bucket Eradication Projects 6976 Buckets in total 1120 Buckets already eradicated (06/07) 5856 Buckets still to be eradicated 11 Projects for buckets 3 projects completed 5 projects under construction 3 projects at planning stage
Bucket Eradication
Funding Required For Buckets Total required for buckets R150m. Funds already available R77m. [MIG (R45m), DHLGTA (R12m), Equitable Share R10m and DBSA Loan R10m] Funds still required R73m
Challenges More funding required to meet water and sanitation backlogs Figures do not include dilapidated infrastructure and bulk for augmentation especially Karoo towns Creating a balance between basic infrastructure and LED High costs per capita due to scattered villages Sustainability of VIPs Communities want water borne to replace buckets If R73m is ring-fenced from R207million then committed projects would be delayed and costly Non-performing service providers Few contractors with high ratings with respect to CIDB Retention of skilled personnel (engineers) Implementation of the Supply Chain Management Regulations