Common Implementation Strategy for the Common Implementation Strategy for the Water Framework Directive Working Group A ECOSTAT Ecological Status, 8th Meeting JRC, Ispra, Italy, 14-15 March 2006
Topics of the 8th meeting Intercalibration now entering the final phase Short time left – lots to achieve Review of the 5th MI report from GIGs Road-map to finalise IC in 2006 Planning of the future: IC & CIS WP 2007-9 Harmonisation activity started Hydromorphology WG: MEP, GEP, HMWB Communication & other issues
Objectives of the 8th meeting Review IC progress in GIGs; Focus on consistency/ comparability accross GIGs Provide feedback/ advice for GIGs (last change!); Agree on timelines for final IC reporting in 2006; Discuss continuation of IC beyond 2006; Agree on next steps in harmonisation work; Agree ECOSTAT view on proposal how to set GEP for HMWB/ AW during first RBMP; Agree on actions needed before ECOSTAT June and October meetings; Provide ideas for work needed during CIS 2007-9;
Update from SCG and Water Directors J. Romero Rodriguez (DGENV)
Actions since last meeting Approval of last minutes
Done Action Who acts Who receives Deadline Comments on chapter 1-2 of the eutrophication guidance WG ECOSTAT Eutrophication expert group members and SGC members 9 November, 2005 Complete nominations for the harmonization group. Harmonisation Steering group/ JRC January 2006 Prepare a report of the status of the current standards Harmonisation Steering group/ JRC & CEN Harmonisation group, DG ENV, ECOSTAT Ask information on the harmonization needs in GIGs’ February milestone report. IC steering group GIG leaders Harmonization Workshop on standardization status & needs JRC, DG ENV CEN TC230, GIG-leaders, and the IC steering group Late January 2006 Prepare first evaluation of the harmonization needs (based on workshop outcome) Harmonisation Steering group ECOSTAT March 2006 Present evaluation of the harmonization needs CEN June 2006 Done
Done Prepare GIG milestone 5 questionnaire IC steering group GIG leaders, ECOSTAT January 2006 Apply BSP and provide report (reply on the 5th GIG milestone report) GIGs IC steering group, ECOSTAT End of February 2006 Prepare category specific summaries on 5th MI-report ECOSTAT Early March 2006 Prepare a draft work program on the continuation of the intercalibration exercise (beyond 2006) IC steering group, GIG leaders March 2006 Revise the paper "Improving the communication of the Intercalibration exercise" and present to the strategic coordination group and Water directors for endorsement DG ENV SCG, Water Directors November 2005 Start implementing communication activities as detailed in the paper "Improving the communication of the Intercalibration exercise" JRC, DG ENV, ECOSTAT, MSs Intermediate progress report to ECOSTAT Initiate NGOs review of the IC process EEB December 2005 Done
Intercalibration timetable Milestone 5 report - February 2006 Now reported to ECOSTAT meeting 15-16 March MI5 Summary overview in March; MI6 report in May First draft final report in June 2006; All GIG reports available at: