Explain what is meant by saturation. Lesson Starter. Explain what is meant by saturation.
You should be able to do these by the end of the lesson! Success Criteria WHAT CAN I DO? Red Amber Green Investigate the removal of stains from fabric using your knowledge about solubility. You should be able to do these by the end of the lesson!
Stain Removed (Yes/No) Solubility in Ethanol Results: Stain Solvent Stain Removed (Yes/No) Ink Paint Nail Varnish Grass
Stain Removed (Yes/No) Solvent Stain Removed (Yes/No) Ink Paint Nail Varnish Grass
Experiment Aim: To find out about the removal of stains from fabric using knowledge of solubility. Method: Collect a small beaker. Add stained fabric and enough solvent to cover stained fabric. Stir fabric and solvent. Decide if stain is being removed (i.e. if it is soluble or insoluble in this solvent). Record in the table. Repeat for the other stains.
Write your own conclusion! Aim: