Pillars of Performance
Pillar of Performance #1 Maximising PROFITABLE PERFORMANCE consistent } with the other four pillars of performance, focusing on: Resource efficiency and enhancement. Responsiveness to customer needs and market opportunities. Relationship management. Reputation management (inc. brand equity management). Risk management
Pillar of Performance #2 Energising FUTURE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT by investing in distinctive assets and competencies in the following areas: People. Products and services. Processes. Places. Parthners.
Pillar of Performance #3 Optimising BUSINESS MULTIPLIERS (maximising positive economic, social and environmental impacts and minimising negative ones) in the following areas: Generating investment and income. Creating jobs. Developing human resources. Providing appropriate products and services (from a full life-cycle perspective). Building local business systems. Sharing international standards and business practices. Supporting technology development and transfer. Establishing institutional and physical infraestructure.
Pillar of Performance #4 Professionalising SOCIAL INVESTMENT and PHILANTHROPY in the following areas: Money: from cash donation to innovative funding mechanisms. In-kind support: from ad hoc approaches to mobilising core competencies. Strategy: from philanthropy and public relations to partnership. Beneficiaries: from charity to community capacity building.
Pillar of Performance #5 Legitimising POLICY DIALOGUE at local, national and international levels by: Promoting ethical business practices. Creating an enabling environment for private enterprise and investment. Supporting good governance. Contributing to economy, social and environmental policies.
The Circle of Continuous Improvement #1 Mission Making the commitment Values, principles and policy statements Operating guidelines and performance targets Accountability Leadership #3 Measurement and reporting Making the commitment Some key issues Financial vs non-financial performance metrics Separate vs integrated approaches Internal vs External assesment, verification and disclosure procedures Measurement tools Support networks #2 Motivation Mobilising others around the commitment Participation Time Training Recognition Financial incentives Disciplinary action