The Last Lecture
Telling Your Story 1. Bucket List Opener Essential Question: What message do I have for the world? 1. Bucket List Opener 2. Watch Randy Pausch’s Clip/Interview 3. Pauschisms Survey 4. Pinwheel Discussion of Pauschisms Exit Ticket: 5 Life Lessons you would share I can: ►►SL 3.2 evaluate speaker’s pt of view, reasoning, uses of evidence, stance, ideas, word choice, and tone
Telling Your Story On a notecard, Essential Question: What message do I have for the world? On a notecard, Develop a list of 10 things you would put on your “bucket list.” (timed 10 minutes)
Pinwheel Discussion: 5 groups= 5 hot seats 1 1 person in the center of the pinwheel Other teammates must “tap in/out” to join discussion 5 2 4 3