PSG SARVAJANA HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL PEELAMEDU, COIMBATORE – 641004 VISION 2025 PSG SARVAJANA HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL PEELAMEDU, COIMBATORE – 641004 CURRICULUM % Strengthening the school specific curriculum Preparing modules for each class representing Minimum Levels of Learning (MLL) across the year. % Strengthening the Co-scholastic areas of the curriculum Life skill development programs, Handicraft, Drawing, Yoga and Handwriting classes after school hours. % Enhancing the systematic curriculum in sports and games Framing syllabus for every class.
INFRASTRUCTURE % Math-Lab to promote Active Learning Methodology. (ALM) % To reinforce the learning environment smart classrooms (for each standard) should be introduced. % To enhance the safety measures of students, a house keeping chart should be prepared. The supervisors ensure the health and hygiene of the students in the school campus.
GOVERNANCE % Establishing hierarchy in the academic Level; The roles and responsibilities of faculties, Office Assistants, etc., should be well defined. % In order to develop the intra as well as interpersonal skills of the students, various club activities % Enhancing the governance of various committees by preparing the Annual work plan and by conducting periodical meetings as a follow-up work.
GREEN CAMPUS % Rain water harvesting system(Recycling of the wastewater with the help of Biotech department of PSG College of Arts and Science) % Vermi Compost pit formation (with the help of PSG College of Arts and Science) % Paper less office system by enhancing e-mail communications. % Promoting the plastic free zone inside the school campus
FACULTY % To cope up with the latest trends in education (CCE, ALM) providing relevant, advanced teaching equipments (Computers) % To cope up with the curriculum proper networking system is required for new trend. % Review of the faculty in all aspects to be done. (Through suggestions from the faculty and the recommendations made by the heads) Faculty learning missions to be arranged once in a year to learn new techniques and best practices involved in the other institutions. Orientation programmes for the new faculty (About our school, their roles and responsibilities competencies required, etc.,) Recognition schemes for the teachers. Setting up a R&D department to promote research projects
TECHNOLOGY % Better audio system to facilitate the guest speakers and invitees. (Collar mic facility) % Computerised catalogue in the Library. Internet facility for the students in the Library (to facilitate them to prepare for projects and competitions) % Advanced technology in the classrooms. in the absence of the facilitator.
STUDENT EMPOWERMENT % students are given opportunity to contribute their knowledge to other campus. (Within our institution) % Strengthening the students council (Inculcating leadership qualities through club activities) % Awarding medals to the meritorious Students in 10th and 12th standard % Field trips for meritorious students once in a year % Introducing class magazine to promote their creativity and other skills.
COMMUNICATION INTERNAL COMMUNICATION % Conducting staff meeting once in a term ( With proper Agenda, action taken and the closure) % Intercom facility in all staff rooms, Laboratories, office, etc., % Log book maintenance (recording all the activities of the school) EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION % Communicating through website. % Newsletter (or) School magazine.
SOCIAL OUTREACH % Strengthening the old students Association. % Enhancing the effectiveness of NSS and other activities (JRC, NGC, RSP, NCC, etc.,)