Welcome to 7th grade science Mr. Chris Buchman
My course is an introduction to Chemistry and Biology Chemistry 15 weeks Elements Mixtures Compounds Life Science 25 weeks Viruses Bacteria Fungi Protists Plants Animals (includes the human body systems)
Demonstration and Lab Based Class Students will perform many labs and learn how to use equipment and think for themselves!
HW They always have 2 or 3 assignments a week On my HW/web page Also on the board every day!!
Class Notes and Handouts Copies of my notes are on my website under notes and powerpoints from class Copies of all handouts in classroom or on my website under labs and handouts or homework page
A successful student: Is not absent unless it is an emergency does all of the assignments in a timely fashion asks questions and participates reads, writes and does math (blah!) on a daily basis
Housekeeping Daily reinforcement of organization ownership of ones grades firm but fair Study skills
Rules Today I will do my best to be the best. I will listen. I will follow directions. I will be honest. I will respect the rights of others. I can learn. I will learn. You see, I know it’s all up to me!