Good morning! Please get out your First Four tracker. POVL Source D Origin Purpose Value Limitations Keep this with all of your other First Four Work
The Gilded Age and the Progressive Era: 1870s to 1920s Why were the 1870s and 1880s decades of rapid industrialisation? • The growth of trusts and corporations – Carnegie, Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, etc. • Technological innovations • The growth of the railways • Trade policies, e.g. tariffs How great were the economic and social consequences of rapid industrialisation in the late nineteenth century? • New immigration vs. Old immigration • Economic growth and recessions • The realities of urbanization – life in the cities • The farming crisis What were the main aims of the Progressive Movement in the 1890s and 1900s – laws and constitutional amendments? • Limits on party machines and bosses • Prohibition • Female emancipation • Regulation of private corporations How successful was the Progressive Movement? • The career of Theodore Roosevelt • Constitutional reforms – 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th Amendments • The presidency of Woodrow Wilson
The Great Crash, the Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929–1941 How great was the impact of the Great Stock Market Crash and the Great Depression on the USA? • Economic developments in the 1930s • Developments in US society • Political change in the 1930s – Realignment and rise of the New Deal coalition of Democrats The USA in the 1920s How effective were the strategies used by Presidents Hoover and Roosevelt to deal with the domestic problems facing the USA in the 1930s? • The economic and social polices of Herbert Hoover • The 100 Days and the First New Deal • The Second New Deal • Franklin Roosevelt’s political strategies How effective was the opposition to the New Deal? • Opposition from the liberal left • Opposition from the conservative right • Opposition from the Supreme Court Based on his leadership of the USA in the 1930s, how far does Franklin Roosevelt deserve his reputation as one of the great US presidents? • The case for: durable change • The case against: limited economic impact, challenge to US values • The historical debate
Paper 1 Review Activity Vocabulary Review – Origins of the Civil War 1840s-1860 Paper 1 – Thursday, May 5 1 Hour 40% of AICE History Exam Grade Four documents Part A – Compare/Contrast in light of … Part B – How far to the sources support the view that…
Paper 1 Part A: 15-20 Minutes Compare/Contrast docs in light of… Must demonstrate three things Contextual Knowledge Evaluation of Sources (POVL) Compare/Contrast Must answer the question
Paper 1 Part A: 15-20 Min Compare/Contrast docs in light of… Must demonstrate three things Contextual Knowledge Evaluation of Sources (POVL) Compare/Contrast Must answer the question One section telling how the sources are the same One section telling how the sources are different One section - your own analysis of whether the sources are similar or different and making a final judgment of whether they are similar or different and why.
Paper 1 Rubric – Part A
Paper 1 Part B: 40-45 Minutes How far to the sources support… P1 - Contextual Knowledge: 1-3 sentences What do you know? Vocabulary? Historical setting? P2 - Analysis of Each Source How far does each support… In what ways does each support… In what ways does each not support… P2 or P3 - Grouping of Sources – Which support the assertion? Which don’t? Source A & C are similar in that… Source B & D are similar b/c…However, they disagree that… P3 or P4 - Make a final conclusion or argument that answers the question. Show context & evaluation of sources.
Paper 1 Part B Rubric