Class of 2021 On the road to Excellence! Falcon Freshman Class of 2021 On the road to Excellence!
AGENDA Importance of Academics How to read my HS transcript & GPA Academic goals How to write a SMART goal Family Connection activity
What is my GPA Why do I care about my GPA now? It’s on average of all of you grades Give an overall picture of learning It’s a common measure used in High Schools Colleges use it for admissions
Grades & Quality Points Numeric Value Letter Grade Quality Points (before weighting) 98-100 A+ 4.3 93-97 A 4.0 90-92 A- 3.7 87-89 B+ 3.3 83-86 B 3.0 80-82 B- 2.7 77-79 C+ 2.3 73-76 C 2.0 70-72 C- 1.7 67-69 D+ 1.3 63-66 D 1.0 60-62 D- 0.7 0-59 F 0.0
What is my Q1 GPA? Convert you grades to quality points (ex: B+ = 3.3) Add .5 for Honors classes (B=3 + .5 for Honors) Add all quality points Divide for number of classes
What is a transcript? Your official record Proof you graduated from High School The document sent to colleges
This is a senior transcript showing all courses during high school
Any high school credit courses you took in middle school are listed on your transcript Work in progress shows that classes that you are currently taking At the end of year final grades are shown The bottom of your transcript shows your total credits earned and your cumulative GPA
Student Example 1 – Johnny Latestarter Grade 9: Grade 10: English C 2 English B 3 History C 2 History A 4 Math D 1 Math C 2 Science D 1 Science B 3 HPE B 3 HPE A 4 Elective C 2 Elective A 4 Cumulative GPA = 1.86 Cumulative GPA = 2.64 Grade 11: Grade 12: English B 3 English A 4 History B 3 History A 4 Math B 3 Math B 3 Science B 3 Science B 3 HPE A 4 HPE A 4 Elective A 4 Elective A 4 Cumulative GPA = 2.76 Cumulative GPA = 2.89
Student Example 2 – Sara Studyhard Grade 9: Grade 10: English B 3 English B 3 History B 3 History A 4 Math B 3 Math C 2 Science C 2 Science B 3 HPE A 4 HPE A 4 Elective A 4 Elective A 4 Cumulative GPA = 3.29 Cumulative GPA = 3.36 Grade 11: Grade 12: English B 3 English A 4 Math B 3 Math B 3 Science B 3 Science B 3 Cumulative GPA = 3.38 Cumulative GPA = 3.46
Academic Resources Phoenix – Make sure you know how to access your StudentVue account – it’s your school computer login This is how you can check on your grades and assignments Briar Woods Resources: Did you know…. ? The Science department has before and after school opportunities for help – Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Environmental Science help is available (specific hours are on the webpage) The Math Resource Center (MRC) is available during every block – get a pass from your math teacher to go to the MRC during study hall The Spanish Honor Society offers tutoring – speak with your Spanish teacher about getting a tutor for before or after school Talk to your teacher – they are often available if you need help outside of class
Setting Academic Goals Are you happy with the academic start of 9th grade? Setting a goal is like giving yourself a plan and a roadmap for a trip Setting goals helps you get where you want to be S.M.A.R.T goals = Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely Use Family Connection to enter your goal for this year – you can update it each year with new goals
Freshmen – Family Connection Log in to Family Connection using the BWHS School Counseling link Use your student ID as your username and your 6 digit Date of Birth as your password You will use Family Connection throughout High School
In About Me, click on goals and enter your S.M.A.R.T goal
Freshmen – Family Connection About Me Official things – check/change/enter an email address – this is important! We send information throughout the year using this email address Assessments – We encourage 9th graders to complete the StrengthsExplorer and the career interest profiler
Freshman year – What’s next? Scheduling – We will start scheduling activities for next year in February! Make sure you are informed – picking classes that are right for you will contribute to your Academic Success! Classroom Presentations – we will see 9th graders in March to follow up on Academic goals and help with study skills and time management