FROM SCHOOL TO LABOUR MARKET PROJECTS IN ISRAEL Dalit COHEN-LERNER Department – Education and Teaching Staff David BEN NAIM Labour Sector
Tertiary education – ISCED97 level 5A, 6 First Degree Holders / Recipients – equivalent to the degree obtained at ISCED97 level 5A Third Degree / Doctorate Holders (CDH) – equivalent to the degree obtained at ISCED97 level 6
First Degree Holders / Recipients ISCED97 level 5A Characteristics of Studies and Integration into the Labour Market among First Degree Recipients from Institutions of Higher Education in Israel Students who began studying for first degree between 1999 and 2001 Indicators which estimate : Prospects for completing first degree by 2008 Prospects for completing first degree, by standard duration Average months of work per year, by years since completing first degree Average monthly wages, by years since completing first degree
First Degree Holders / Recipients ISCED97 level 5A - continue Field / Subject of Studies and Integration into the Labour Market among First Degree Recipients from Institutions of Higher Education in Israel Recipients who were participate in labour force and occupation or place of work (industry) 5 years later
Data Sources Administrative Files : Students and recipients of first degree from institutions of higher education in Israel Income data from the Israel Tax Authority Population Register 2008 Census Population
Third Degree / Doctorate Holders ISCED97 level 6 CDH survey – Career of Doctorate Holders 2009 Studies in Israel / abroad Stay in Israel in 1 Dec 2009 Age up 70
Monthly Labour Force Survey Transition from quarterly to monthly LFS Improving the reliability of estimates of monthly labour force characteristics Reduction of sampling errors Survey management system improvement Improving questionnaire - International settings adjustments Publishing labour force characteristics of small areas ID Link system
Monthly LFS - Data collection The rotation method4 - 8 - 4 : (used in the U.S.A) Each apartment investigated eight times Four consecutive months, a break of eight months and then four more consecutive months Only the first interview will be face to face (CAPI) The rest of the interviews will be made by phone (CATI)
Monthly LFS - Sample size Number of panels investigated each month Total households for each panel each month Number of households each month (Gross) Number of households each year (Gross) Number of persons handled each month (net) Number of persons handled each year (net) QuarterlyLFS 4 1,000 4,000 48,000 7,520 90,240 Monthly LFS 8 1,500 12,000 144,000 22,560 270,720
Monthly LFS - Disseminating the data The data concerning measuring the transition from school to labour market will study using monthly panel files Measuring this transition will help estimate the amount of extra manpower in industries and occupations Examples of using this data:
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