History of Life/Hominid Timelines Winter Break HW DUE 1/4/16 HB 15-16 Ch. 19/26 History of Life/Hominid Timelines Winter Break HW DUE 1/4/16 HB 15-16
FRONT: Chapter 19: History of Life Make sure that your line is in the middle, and that you stagger each of the different boxes. Your answers must be enclosed in a box when done, and your pictures must be in color and labeled. Make sure to hone in on the following key terms to the left when completing your information. Make sure to include when they first evolved, defining characteristics, and where they live. Items to be included on timeline: Earth First Formed Prokaryotes Eukaryotes Invertebrates Fishes Amphibians Reptiles Birds Mammals Humans
BACK: Chapter 26: Hominid Evolution Make sure that your line is in the middle, and that you stagger each of the 8 different boxes. Your answers must be enclosed in a box when done, and your pictures must be in color and labeled. For numbers 1-8 answer the following: During what timeframe did the species live? Defining characteristics (physical) Did this species have any social/personal customs? Draw/Print a picture in color that helps you remember the particular species versus all of the others. Items to be included on timeline: Sahelanthropus Australopithecus A. Afarensis Paranthropus Homo Habilis Homo Erectus Homo Neanderthalensis Homo Sapien