Ch. 3 Exploration & Expansion
Ch. 3 Exploration & Expansion Louisiana Territory Napoleon sold territory to the US Cost $15 Million Doubled the size of the US Meriwether Lewis & William Clark U.S. purchases the Louisiana Territory from France. Thomas Jefferson sends Lewis and Clark to explore new land. Their goal was to find a water way to the Pacific… So they thought Secret Goal…. They recorded everything in a journal.
Ch. 3 Exploration & Expansion Zebulon Pike Explored the Great Plains Sent to establish trade relations with Natives. Thought the land in KS was worthless Spanish beat him there and imprisoned him. They thought he was a SPY! Pike’s Peak is named after him. Stephen Long He is the first to publish the KS atlas Called Kansas “The Great American Desert”.
Ch. 3 Exploration & Expansion Indian Removal Act Andrew Jackson signed act, allowed U.S. to move Native Americans west of the Mississippi River. Felt they were in the way of American progress. Set up Native American Reservations throughout the Plains. Missionaries Schools set up to teach Native American children about Christianity and vocational skills. Main goal: attempt to Americanize Native children.
Ch. 3 Exploration & Expansion Santa Fe Trail Popular trade route that connected Missouri – New Mexico Very dangerous, Navajo & Apache Territory Oregon-California Trail Trail was created for movement of people, not goods. Took about 6 months, 2,000 miles long. Myth of Native American attacks. Manifest Destiny Belief that the U.S. should expand coast to coast.
Ch. 3 Exploration & Expansion Slave System Soil in south was better suited for farming Southern states needed work force Cruel and harsh life for African Americans Caused a lot of tension between North and South Abolition – The fight to end slavery in the U.S.
Ch. 3 Exploration & Expansion Missouri Compromise U.S. struggles with the question of slavery. Should it be allowed in all states, some states, or none of the states? In 1820 there were 11 free states and 11 slave states. Compromise allowed for 2 new states to enter union. Missouri = Slave & Maine = Free Allowed US to keep balance of power. Banned slavery in northern unorganized territory
Ch. 3 Exploration & Expansion Compromise of 1850 California enters Union as Free State Fugitive Slave Act is adopted. Made all citizens assist in recovery of runaway slaves. Slaves had no right to a jury trial.
Ch. 3 Exploration & Expansion Kansas-Nebraska Act Senator Stephen A Douglas Wanted to expand the U.S. boundaries. Proposed the idea of using popular sovereignty in the Kansas and Nebraska Territories. Allows people to vote on whether they would be a free or slave state. This would repeal the Missouri Compromise.