Jazz Band and Mae Murray in the Silent Film Cice, The Enchantress (1924)
“Metropolis” (Gross Stadt), Otto Dix (1928)
In a Berlin Jazz Bar (1930)
Marlene Dietrich in The Blue Angel by Joseph von Sternberg (1929)
Line Outside of a Berlin Grocer (1923)
The Radioist (1927) Kurt Günther
Cover of the Sheet Music for Wang Wang Blues by Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra (1926)
Circus Artists (1926-32), August Sander
Jobless (1928) August Sander
Berlin Fashion (1923) Jeanne Mammen
Striped Bathing Suit (1925)
In the “Eldorado” Transvestite Bar on Motzstrasse, Berlin (1926)
Women of the Red Front Fighters’ League Demonstrate against the Prohibition of Abortion (August 19, 1928)
Max Schmeling Trains (1931) Boxing became a mass sensation in the 1920s and, for a time, Max Schmeling was the most popular boxer in Germany.
Pillars of Society (1926) Georg Grosz Depicts members of the social elite during the Weimar era.
The Five Nobel Prize Winners Nernst, Einstein, Planck, Millikan and von Laue (from left to right) (1931)
Putschists Arrest Socialist City Council Members in Munich (November 9, 1923)
Putsch Participants in Landsberg Prison (1924)
Horst Wessel at the Head of his Storm Troops n Nuremburg (August 1929)
Philipp Scheidemann Proclaims the Republic from a Window of the Reich Chancellery (Detail) (November, 9, 1918)
The First Council of People’s Representatives (November 1918)
Street Clashes in Berlin during the Spartacist Uprising (January 1919)