MICROFINANCE Brigades Info Session October 14, 2014 @ 7 pm Boeing Auditorium Jenny@globalbrigades.org when where contact MICROFINANCE Brigades Info Session Microfinance and Sustainability Abroad Facilitating Sustainable Economic Development globalbrigades.org October 14, 2014 @ 7 pm Boeing Auditorium Jenny@globalbrigades.org when where contact MICROFINANCE Brigades Info Session Microfinance and Sustainability Abroad Facilitating Sustainable Economic Development globalbrigades.org October 14, 2014 @ 7 pm Boeing Auditorium Jenny@globalbrigades.org when where contact MICROFINANCE Brigades Info Session Microfinance and Sustainability Abroad Facilitating Sustainable Economic Development globalbrigades.org October 14, 2014 @ 7 pm Boeing Auditorium Jenny@globalbrigades.org when where contact MICROFINANCE Brigades Info Session Microfinance and Sustainability Abroad Facilitating Sustainable Economic Development globalbrigades.org