Asking directions
Abbreviations on city map Rd. =Road Ave. =Avenue St. =Street Tr Abbreviations on city map Rd.=Road Ave.=Avenue St.=Street Tr.=Trail Hwy.=Highway Pkwy.=Park
Traffic circle
Pedestrian crossing / crosswalk
The School is on Main Street. First Ave Main St. The School is on Main Street.
My home is on the corner of main and First. First Ave Main St. My home is on the corner of main and First.
It’s across from the bank. First Ave Main St. It’s across from the bank.
Next to Center St. Main St. It’s next to the bank.
It is between the department store and the restaurant. Main St. It is between the department store and the restaurant.
Let’s get Practice!! Hospital Book Store Post office restaurant Gas station Hyundai Department store Parking lot CITY BANK restaurant Shoe Store Movie Theater
New Dialogue A : Excuse me New Dialogue A : Excuse me. Sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you could tell me how to get to _______? B : Sure, no problem. You can get there by bus. A : Do you know how long it will take? B : That’s probably going to take about 20 minutes. A : Thanks for the help. I get lost all the time in Korea. B : Oh, where are you from? A : I’m from ________. Every single street has a name and a sign so it’s easy to find your way around. I don’t know how you guys do it. B : well, I guess we’re used to it. A : It was nice talking to you but I’ve gotta run. Thanks for the help. See you later. B : Anytime. Good luck.
Let’s make an invitation card!!