Study the two March Madness store displays in the next slide…what do you notice?
Questions for Class Discussion
Have you seen similar March Madness displays in your local grocery store? What do you notice about the two displays pictured in the previous slide? Do you think Kellogg (maker of Cheez-Its) is a NCAA sponsor? Why or why not?
These two displays were positioned in a close proximity at the grocery store. Do you think the display featuring a product “officially” affiliated with March Madness will result in a higher sales volume than the one without the “official NCAA sponsor” designation? Why or why not?
What is ambush marketing. Do you think this provides an example What is ambush marketing? Do you think this provides an example? Why or why not? Do you think Kellogg should be allowed to create a basketball themed display and promotion during March Madness if they are not an official sponsor of the NCAA? Why or why not?