DESY Status of Planning for PoF IV


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Presentation transcript:

DESY Status of Planning for PoF IV MT POF IV Strategy Meeting Ralph W. Aßmann, Heinz Graafsma MT POF IV Strategy Meeting 12 December 2018, HZB, Berlin

DESY Strategy 2030 Detailed review of mission needs. Major work and process in 2017 Detailed review of mission needs. Future work, experiments and facilities at DESY have been extensively discussed. Clear decisions taken. Research units at DESY set up to mirror the Helmholtz MT structure. Detailed plan up to 2030 has been defined, of course depending on budget assumptions. Since then already good news: ATHENA approved with 30 M€ BMBF/Helmholtz funding for the ARD centers. All POF IV plans for research at DESY must be consistent with the DESY strategy 2030 and the available funding.

DESY Research Units (Strategy 2030) from Helmut Dosch DESY Research Units (Strategy 2030) EPP TPP APP Exp. Particle Physics Theory Astroparticle Physics Scale User Large Facilities DTS XFEL Acc. PETRA III Bio Soft Beate Heinemann Georg Weiglein Marek Kowalski Mat DMC Winnie Decking Nano Mat Christian Schroer Mat-DMC Nano-Mat Bio-Soft Matter-Dynamics Nanomaterials Biological and Mechanisms,Control Soft Matter EPP APP TIER-2 FLASH TPP Volker Gülzow ARD DMA Winfried Wurth Robin Santra Andreas Stierle Henry Chapman Campus Development International Cooperations In a previous slide I showed you the 4 pillars of DESY science. This here is another view on how science at DESY is organized: In the course of the current strategy process we designed competence teams which represent all aspects of DESY: 9 CTs for research 4 CTs for the user operation 5 CT for further enabling activities We decided to maintain this CT structure for the future work of DESY. On the right side the 9 research CTs are shown. They will become important again in the context of this review. More at the end of this introduction. Research DTS ARD DMA Detector R&D Accelerator R&D Data Management Talent Management Innovation Tech. Transfer Communication Frank Lehner Christian Harringa Ties Behnke Ralph Assmann Hans Weise Volker Gülzow Meike Johannsen Arik Willner Christian Mrotzek


Technology development at DESY in POF IV delta-doping MBE at LBNL Detection and measurement Active pixel sensors: DEPFETs, SiPMs, Low-Gain Avalanche Detector (LGADs) Post-processing of sensors and CMOS-imagers CMOS-imagers (DESY internal design) ASICs with smaller CMOS feature size: 65 nm as HGF “standard” 3D integration including CMOS-imagers and ASICs System technologies High density interconnect technologies, including TSV’s High speed optical links including Si photonics > 100 Gbps FPGA & Firmware for data handling Novel materials and production techniques optical electrical ASICs Sensor-ASIC Stack bump connected to Interposer Interconnects Interposer with TSV Polymer Waveguide optical Uplink Flex Cable Photonic IC Detector Technologies and Systems| Heinz Graafsma | MT | DTS

Systems in POF IV with DESY lead / involvement Ongoing Potential R & D 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 AGIPD LAMBDA > 100 kHz Imager DSSC Next generation CMOS imager (TBD) Phase 2 XFEL systems (TBD) Photon Science (DLSR & CW FEL) Percival High Frame-rate R&D European Strategy for Particle Physics Strip Tracker R&D SiPM –on tile HCAL R&D Gaseous Detector R&D Advanced Silicon detector R&D Extremely radiation hard Tracker R&D Future Highly Granular Calorimeter Project (TBD) Future High Precision Tracker Project (TBD) Strip Tracker for HL-LHC Particle Physics mDOM Optical Module for IceCube-Gen2 High Energy Array (TBD) WOM IceTop Upgrade Surface Instrumentation for IceCube-Gen2 (TBD) Radio Neutrino Detection Project (TBD) CTA MST & Cameras CTA Upgrades R&D Astroparticle Physics Generic Detector R&D Detector Technologies and Systems| Heinz Graafsma | MT | DTS

DESY lead / strong involvement in Distributed Detector Lab DTS in PoF IV Detection and Measurement System Technologies Science Systems Sensing Particle Physics, Hadrons & Nuclei Advanced Data Transmission Photon Science Digital real-time data acquisition and processing systems ASICs Astroparticle Physics Beam Physics Novel Engineering Techniques, Advanced Materials and Interconnects Distributed Detector Laboratory 3D & post-processing Photon & Particle Test beams Cryogenic Sensors Connection to DMA Detector Technologies and Systems| Heinz Graafsma | MT | DTS


ARD Future: Goals and Plans for 10 – 15 Years Agreed in strategy process 01 SRF research and development Study efficient, high-performance CW upgrades Study Niobium bulk and surface treatments CW RF gun 02 Beam control for ultra-fast science (sub-) fs electron bunches with unprecedented brilliance and fs synchronization Novel FEL concepts including seeding 03 Novel accelerators Demonstrate plasma-wakefield accelerated GeV e- beams with „acceptable“ stability and quality Develop dielectric accelerators (THz, optical lasers) to the MeV energy 04 Contribute to conception of new accelerators 05 Implement ARD governance model RU Accelerator R&D | Ralph Assmann | MT | ARD

Milestones in ARD 105 Milestones (top-level only) received Asked for 1 milestone per year from groups  many received at top level (more at 2nd level). Statistics top level: 27 35 23 13 ... Cannot present all, so we selected some major milestones as examples List has some very detailed milestones: reworded some for better understandability Clearly: very useful exercise we will have to continue in more detail RU Accelerator R&D | Ralph Assmann | MT | ARD

DESY: 15 Year Facility Roadmap Novel Accelerator R&D RU Accelerator R&D | Ralph Assmann | MT | ARD

ARD Strategic Helmholtz Investment Construction 2018 – 2021, 30 M€ ARD centers, 2 future technologies for Helmholtz strategy, OP 2022 - 2030 ATHENA visit by the Helmholtz Senate at DESY, 26 Nov 2018 Accelerator Technology HElmholtz iNfrAstructure RU Accelerator R&D | Ralph Assmann | MT | ARD

DMA See talk by Volker later today…