Milton Keynes Population Projections
Format Borough level population change Changes in the age structure Ward level population change Estate level population change
The population has grown from 60,000 in 1960 to 252,400 in 2012
Past population growth was fastest between 1972-1982 June Population Change % Change 1972 69,600 - 1982 132,900 63,300 90.9 1992 180,400 47,500 35.7 2002 215,100 34,700 19.2 2012 252,400 37,300 17.3
Between 2002 and 2012 MK was the 10th fastest growing local authority district Rank Name 2002 2012 Change % change 1 Tower Hamlets 207,000 263,000 56,000 27.1 2 Newham 255,300 314,100 58,800 23.0 3 Hackney 211,000 252,100 41,100 19.5 4 Hounslow 216,900 259,100 42,200 19.4 5 Manchester 428,200 510,800 82,600 19.3 6 Corby 53,400 63,100 9,700 18.1 7 Greenwich 221,500 260,100 38,600 17.4 8 Peterborough 158,800 186,400 27,600 9 Waltham Forest 223,800 262,600 38,800 17.3 10 Milton Keynes 215,100 252,400 37,300
Methodology Base Population – Single Year of Age and Gender Take out Special Populations Everyone is Aged By 1 Year Apply Births Rates, Death Rates and Migration Rates to the Population Apply Housing Constraint - (Housing Forecasts, vacancy rates, household formation rates) Add back in Special Populations Population Forecast
Population growth is maintained into the future
Milton Keynes has a younger age profile compared with England 10 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 % of population
By 2026 the Milton Keynes age profile will have aged 10 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 % of population
Ward Population Change 2012-2021
Estate Population Change 2012-2021
Summary MK has grown from 215,100 to 252,400 people between 2002-12 (+17.3%). The MK population is projected to grow to 302,100 people by 2026. MK has a younger age profile than England but it is projected to age. Some estates are projected to experience very high population growth.
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