Roman gods and goddesses By Isaac and james
Mars the god of war Mars is the god of war and he Was in the story Romulus and Remus. Mars was the God of war.
Roman goddess Dianna Dianna is the goddess of the moon and can morph into A deer. Dianna is the Goddess of the moon because she lives in a Forest and forests are dark.
Roman god Pluto Pluto is the god of the underworld and he has a watch Dog who guards the under world. Pluto is the God of the underworld and he was in a Harvest story.
Roman god Appolo. Appolo is the god of sun and he was born On a floating island because Juno was Jealous of his mother and had Banished Her. Appolo is the god of sun and he was the Son of Jupitor and Latona also he was Twin brothers with Dianna.
Goddess Minerva Minerva is also the goddess of womens work. Minerva was born right out of jupitors brain.
God appolo Appolo and his twin sister were the magical children of Latona. Apollo was also the God of music.
God of Neptune Neptune is the God of the sea, his brother her is Jupiter and pluto.