Baseline measurements of filtration capacity (Kf), resting limb blood flow (Qa), and endothelial integrity (Pvi) from 39 individuals. Baseline measurements of filtration capacity (Kf), resting limb blood flow (Qa), and endothelial integrity (Pvi) from 39 individuals. All values were derived using venous congestion plethysmography from the raw data (see supplemental information in the online appendix). Qa = resting (ml · 100 ml−1 · min−1); Kf = × 10−3 ml · min−1 · 100 ml−1 · mmHg−1; Pvi = mmHg. Geraldine F. Clough et al. Diabetes 2009;58:1185-1191 ©2009 by American Diabetes Association