Fig. 5 Taxonomic representation and metabolic potential in metagenomes. Taxonomic representation and metabolic potential in metagenomes. (A) The number of ORFs as a function of depth at sites 11 and 12. (B) Relative abundance of taxonomic groups represented in the metagenomes. (C) Relative abundance of metabolic functions in the metagenomes. The amoA and HP/HB cycle genes were only encoded by Thaumarchaeota (AOA). In both (B) and (C), “percent reads mapped” refers to the percentage of raw reads mapped to ORFs encoding contigs. Aurèle Vuillemin et al. Sci Adv 2019;5:eaaw4108 Copyright © 2019 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial License 4.0 (CC BY-NC).