Acts 1: 4-11 Jesus Gives the “Great Mission” He Promises The Holy Spirit will come to aid in it. Returns to Heaven
What Does A Gospel-Centered Church Look Like?
Distinctive #1: Preaching and Teaching of the Gospel is THE Priority. We faithfully tell The Story of Jesus at all times.
is More on What God Has Done Than on What Distinctive #2: The Emphasis of our Message is More on What God Has Done Than on What We Are To Do.
our secondary teachings flow out from The Gospel. All of our secondary teachings flow out from The Gospel. They don’t eclipse it.
Church Members Demonstrate “God’s Demonstration Community” Distinctive #3: Church Members Demonstrate the Beauty of The Gospel in the Community. “God’s Demonstration Community”
were just the “church being the church,” displaying Many of these “Signs” were just the “church being the church,” displaying God’s Kingdom in tangible ways. * Acts 2: 42-47
What “Signs” Helped Demonstrate The Beauty of The Gospel in the Early Church?
“Sign” #1: Love & Unity in the Church
“Sign” #2: Generosity with Money and Possessions
Joy in the Midst of Difficulty “Sign” #3: Joy in the Midst of Difficulty and Persecution
“Sign” #4: Miraculous Answers to Prayer
These “Signs” Are Meant to Accentuate The Gospel, NOT to Replace its Message.
Philip’s Preaching of Gospel & Signs Acts 8: 4-8 Philip’s Preaching of Gospel & Signs Acts 9: 36-42 “Tragic” Death and Raising of Tabitha
If Our Church “Died” Tomorrow and Closed Would Our Community Mourn Its Doors, Would Our Community Mourn That Loss?