CONTINUE KILLING LINCOLN & 6 SQUARE SHEET. 3.25.19 U. S. HISTORY THROUGH FILM ON THIS DAY: 1905 - Russia received Japan's terms for peace. 1911 - In New York City, 146 women were killed in fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company in New York City. 1931 - The Scottsboro Boys were arrested in Alabama. 1940 - The U.S. agreed to give Britain and France access to all American warplanes. 1953 - The USS Missouri fired on targets at Kojo, North Korea. 1954 - RCA manufactured its first color TV set and began mass production. 1960 - A guided missile was launched from a nuclear powered submarine for the first time. 1965 - Martin Luther King Jr. led a group of 25,000 to the state capital in Montgomery, AL. 1985 – A U.S. Army Major stationed in East Germany had been shot and killed by a Soviet Border Guard. 2002 – FCC dismissed complaints against ABC network broadcast of a Victoria's Secret fashion show. BELL WORK: #13 PICK-UP & READ THE BIOGRAPHY ON YOUR PERSON. 1. WHAT IS YOUR PERSON’S NAME? 2. WHAT ROLE DID THEY PLAY IN THE ASSASSINATION? 3. WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR PERSON AS A RESULT OF THEIR ROLE IN THE ASSASSINATION? 4. SEE IF YOU CAN FIND THE NAMES OF THE OTHER 5 CONSPIRATORS. AGENDA: CONTINUE KILLING LINCOLN & 6 SQUARE SHEET. COMPLETE EXIT TICKET. #5
John Wilkes Booth: Assassinate Lincoln
Lewis Powell (Payne): Assassinate Secretary of State Seward
George Atzerodt: Assassinate Vice President Johnson
Dr. Samuel Mudd: Set Booth’s broken leg
David Herold: Aid Powell’s then Booth’s escape
Mary Surratt: Owned the boardinghouse where plot was devised
Exit Ticket #5 Was John Wilkes’ Booth reasoning to assassinate Lincoln justified? Be sure to provide: C (claim, restate question with opinion) E (two pieces of supporting evidence) R (reasoning, explain evidence)