Starting Again
Caritas provided tarpaulins for families to have temporary shelter. The Caritas response in Vanuatu after Cyclone Pam included providing food, water and shelter. Caritas provided tarpaulins for families to have temporary shelter.
Families in Mele Village, near Port Vila, were very happy to receive a tarpaulin.
Tarpaulins were crucial for temporary shelter following Cyclone Pam as many people’s homes were destroyed. This man in Anamburu is sitting where his living room used to be. All that was left was the concrete pad his house was built on.
People from Rango Rango Village had not received any relief supplies for a number of days. It was difficult to get to the village and the Caritas car got stuck in waist-deep mud. People from the village helped dig the car out.
A Cash for Work programme was set up in Port Vila to help clean up the neighbourhood. Young people volunteered to remove debris and generate income over 10 days.
Photo Credits: Crispin Anderlini It took months for many families to recover after the cyclone. For many, it was a case of starting again. Working together, the people of Vanuatu have come a long way since the memories of Cyclone Pam in 2014. Photo Credits: Crispin Anderlini