Summary of literature search results Summary of literature search results. *Exclusion criteria: not a primary study (including guidelines, conference proceedings, reviews); case studies; published in a language other than English; focus is pharyngitis burden/rates of group A streptococcal colonisation; focus is pathophysiology/clinical features or clinical progression of patients with ARF/RHD; focus is outcomes or treatment effectiveness in patients with ARF/RHD; report proportion of patients with a specific valve lesion due to RHD but no population denominator; does not report RHD prevalence or mortality rates (including studies that only present absolute numbers); geographical focus out of scope or report single point estimate for multiple countries, including some out of scope. ARF, acute rheumatic fever; RHD, rheumatic heart disease. Summary of literature search results. *Exclusion criteria: not a primary study (including guidelines, conference proceedings, reviews); case studies; published in a language other than English; focus is pharyngitis burden/rates of group A streptococcal colonisation; focus is pathophysiology/clinical features or clinical progression of patients with ARF/RHD; focus is outcomes or treatment effectiveness in patients with ARF/RHD; report proportion of patients with a specific valve lesion due to RHD but no population denominator; does not report RHD prevalence or mortality rates (including studies that only present absolute numbers); geographical focus out of scope or report single point estimate for multiple countries, including some out of scope. ARF, acute rheumatic fever; RHD, rheumatic heart disease. Marian Abouzeid et al. Heart Asia 2017;9:e010948 Copyright © Asia Pacific Heart Association, British Cardiovascular Society & BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. All rights reserved.